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A member registered Sep 10, 2023

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oh good to know and I do understand if you needed a brake. Just was wondering. But thanks for letting me know that it's still going on.

Is this still being work on. I just finishthis last night after fining this 2 days ago and I see the last update was on Dec. 2023. So is this still being work on?

Something that is scaring me with this update to 7.0 and with Scarlett from the past. Since I had sex with the 1999 Scarlett does that mean I am the father to Alice and her sister. I hope I am not cause I do want to have a romance with Alyssa  when I get back to the year 2009 or was that 2019. To me if I became the father of the twins I would fell creepy of trying to make Alyssa my lover and girlfriend. If that is going to happen. I do really have 4 girls in mine who I want to be with by the end of the game.

Is there any update on the next update. I know you may get ask this alot but just wondering on any news to 2.0

Thanks I want to go after her as well with Jennifer Sam and Anna. Hope there will be stuff to do with Anna soon and more with Jennifer since I have Jen corruption up to 53 I think it is. I just which that the mood stays at a 100 when u reach that high without going back down.

I'm having troubles of fining Olivia to do stuff with her. I have look for her on the weekends but I can't find her anywhere?

I've never have play Minecraft and or Stardew. Infact I've never heard of them.

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So like for exsample I am trying to make Luce the one that is going to be my wife. I only want to do things with her but there is another girl Rhea that I am kind of intest  to of becoming my wife but I really don't know who to choose so is it like that whas a sandbox is?

I know this maybe a silly question but I don't know what it means but what is this thing call Sandbox. I see that name alot on these kind of games. Is it like I can pick one girl over another or what. I really don't understand that meaning. I do have a learning disably with Octisit [ms]

Hi! Just found your game last night and just finish all V42. I hope in a future update that there be some 3somes I would love to see speaically Summer with Yun and her bestfriend from home do a 3 some when she gets to see Summer. I kind of also want to see another 3some with Summer Yun and Cynthia I really think with those 3 together could be super hot to really tame Cynthia so much that Yun could order her to do what ever she wants.

Rats. Why is it the girls I like have to be side characters. LOL It's not just yours but some of these other games I play that the ones I want to go after have to be side. I never win. LOL

Just played your game tonight It is pretty good I hope I will get a change to have Alice for my girlfriend or even in my Harem. I already have the twins Amber and the Nurse as my go to girls that I want in my Harem. Not sure about anyone else but like I said I hope Alice will be one of them

That is fine was just wondering Thanks for the reply

Any news on the next update to this game

Oh I see thanks

Was just going over my screenshots that I took and I guess I didn't get the name of this girl I have on my pic of her as Libery girl so what is her name?

I just read your update and I do see that you say the main girls go to your room from your text but I was wondering in a future update will side characters like Little Emily be able to go to your dome and in your room for some fun. Other then Hannah and Ezri the two main girls I really like Emily and Mia of the side girls and would like to have more fun with them in the dome and to have them in the bedroom. I know it would not happen but I which I could make Emily and Mia part of my girlfriends to beside Hannah and hopelly soon Ezri

Hi! I just download your game on my laptop last night and got done with all of it. I was wondering will there be any sexy with Leslie and maybe with Haley I like those two them and Paige are my favorites and I'm glad that I fall in love with Paige and don't want to break her heart but just wondering about with Leslie and Haley will there be any fun time with those two.

When is V15 coming out for the public on here

I just read your comment of 2.00 is not the end so does that mean there be a season 2 or part 2 to the story. I just want to be clear on it?

Only the 9 girls in the house would be pregnant if there is. I don't believe the other girls like Kaori or the gang will get pregmamt.


Hi! again I am having a little trouble right now I have got up to level 5 with Hannah and I've been trying to have her and me do pussy to pussy with her. I saw it the first time when I was making out with her but at the time I wasn't high enough to do it but now that I am over the 65 percent of it I can't find what part it be is. Is there a way to do it now. All I am getting is like kiss touch her boobs date and some other stuff

Thank you I really like Emily she's cute and flurty. I hope there be time I can use a dido on her.

Hi! first I want to say that I am a guy and I do like this game I am downloading this game right now. Was just playing some of it on Progamehub and just made Hannah my girlfriend with Sayoko the girl that I name in the game. Now have a question I got to the part where Sayoko (MC) told Hannah that she be her girlfriend but if I saw also go after Ezri can I have two girlfriends or will that break the relationship with Hannah. Hannah and Ezri are really the only two I like beside one of the side characters that I met little Emily. I do hope there be more with Emily she is cute.

I hope you add some romance for both Baily and Glory cause I am more into those two then I am with Olivia she isn't my favorite but the other 2 and Luna and kind of Valerie are.

Hi I just got finish playing your game and I love it my favorite girls so far are Anne Cat and her sister. I can't wait until the next version comes out I did download 3.0 and waiting for 4

It's not abandoned V is working on it as we speak.

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I hope we can have more threesomes around other places like the Beach MC home or say even seeing a threesome at the girls house or at a porn shop stuff like that.

Oh ok that's good. I just hope by the time this game ends I can have my 3 main girls in my life or Harem. Lucy Vicky and cutie Sarah. No infans to Akatsuki but not really into her.

This may sound like a silly question to ask but someone like me doesn't know what is NTR. I see from the comments these letters and I don't know what that means?

Oh good. I think I did see something when I first start playing the game it has like other version like 0.5 0.6 and so on that is good to hear. I think the reason why I am most into Lucy I am kind of like her a shy guy even at 53 years old still a shy guy so I think that is why I am most into Lucy

I try to downlaod this to my PC but it's not letting me . I was doing the .6 so I had to play this on the Porngamehub. I just finish 0.7 and can't wait. The only sad part is I will have to start over from the beginning when u do 0.8. I also do love the 3 main girls Lucy being my favorite from the 3 with Vicky ans Sarah. Anyway the game is good. I how there be a way with a 3 some with Lucy and Vicky to. I know Lucy is shy but I want to see her be confure with Vicky to do it with her. Also would love it when spanking Vicky that exsept for me of the MC do it have Lucy do some spaking to Vicky.

When will u update the latest to here. I believe I saw other places with 0.76

Will there be anymore photos that we can take and put them on the phone and use them for wallpaper cause I just did the update and having a quick sex with Amy I would of like that as a photo with her for a wallpaper also will there be any for the side characters like Chika or Aryn and say the skinny dip pool girl.

For me at less I did the v11 Low Quality because when I did the Reg. V11 it would take me about 3 to 5 hours to load on to my laptop. I was told to do the Low Quality cause it takes about 30 mins to an hour long. That is with me at less. I believe it is for the speed of your computer.

I think with at less Elizabeth the way how she has the rich angry atatiude of hers if she see us with her panties she gets mad at you then maybe punch us and walk away. Just with her the others can't think of anything. I really can't see Amy to get mad at us since she seems the nice one of them all which is the reason why I when after her first from all the girls and I didn't want the teacher to have any of the photos.

I have 2 questions. 

1. How high does the girls achevement need to be to show u her naked bottoms in the classes. Also do you have to steel them for the girls to show no panties.

2. If you say have Amy's panties and you go look at them will she ever go to the lockers to ask you why u have her panties. If not will that be something in the future of the game when the girls see you with there panties?

Well there be a threesome with Amy and Lily would like to see that with them either at the beach home or even in the lockers.

Well there be a threesome with Amy and Lily like at the beach or even at my home of the lockers?