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A member registered Aug 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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That's odd, nobody else has had a problem with that specifically. However, saving is buggy in that if you didn't go into the settings menu to save then the created save is pretty much empty. The password is Perchance, if you'd like to skip to it, and by uploading the .html file into Twine you can peek into the code and begin from any page (including the ending) if that's more your speed.

Experiences is what I do. My last game, Yuri My Beloved, follows a similar theme, with less graphics but more content over all, since it's, y'know, finished.

Yeah you can get around 1.7e308- that's a lil over 300 zeroes or 100 commas- before it fails. "Infinity" is in the tiny little point where an internal variable is less than the bit limit, but the displayed inch number exceeds it.

Should be (mostly) fully functional when played on mobile. I've got zero experience with mobile beyond managing to make the dragging system compatible with a touchscreen, so that's probably the best you're going to get.

Yeah, you have to save from the Settings menu due to how I used Twine in an unorthodox manner. Basically, whenever you click "save", it only saves the state you were in at the last time you transitioned between passages- which only happens at the beginning, ending, and when you enter the settings menu. The password is Perchance.

The password's in the credits if you beat the game normally, but it's also scattered throughout the comment section. Perchance one with a quick wit and  a sharp mind could figure it out this way.

It's just a lil cosmetic thing, doesn't have any effect outside that lil box. In the spiritual sequel, though, tops have a much greater effect.

Numbers can't really get bigger than that. Once you've exceeded javascript's bit limit, it'll return "infinite", which will turn into "Not a Number" as it's passed through the various processes and functions I'm using. Plugging a string into all of the calculations used to then generate the fox pretty much ruins everything, yes.

I'll add a failstate at some point for a proper ending, this was just a basic demo.

It's an interesting game, though awfully short. I did clip through the map at one point and have to restart. Also, if you press shift again with the sprint ability before it goes on cooldown, you gain additional (somewhat ludicrous) speed increases.

The growth amount is nice; there's an odd shift in perspective when what once was a major obstacle is now small enough to not notice. However, some areas, like the log and the cave, become incredibly difficult to navigate because the camera's locked to certain angles and you can't actually see beneath the surface.

The camera was clunky. Its rotation is oversensitive and the character's direction being locked to the camera's made for odd strafing when you needed to move sideways.

I do wish there was more content, or at the very least an ending. Maybe other maps outside of the cage? A hole in the side, above where the log is, blocked by an object you can only eat at level 6~7?

Dominance Asserted

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I'm currently working on a spiritual sequel to this, Grope That Fox, and it's really taking off. Still in a beta/prototype phase, but I'm quite proud of what I've managed to do so far. One of the earlier, more whole versions is published and playable, though.

Very nice English. "I wish you the best of luck" is the usual phrase, but I quite like it when it's about hope.

Nipples are hard to do. They're just little bumps, yeah, but those bumps take an incredibly large amount of math to make it look nice, and it doesn't matter anyways because that simply won't work with how I do the bras.

May start my own (nsfw) server someday, but for now I'm hanging around Possmonaut's, TsukoEX's, and the Extreme Breast Expansion discord servers, you'll find me there. I've also got a FurAffinity account, RoanneTheWolf, which you can message as well if that's too much trouble.

May be some time, but rest assured that work is continuing and I only took 4 hours to turn a corner into a slight bevel this time :)

Excellent work. Yuri has reached wife size.

I'm slowly padding the foxes out with features, like improved bra visuals, jiggle, additional minigames, more math, better math, rewriting all the math because ugh it was close but ever so slightly wrong, and typing up log messages and upgrades oh my.

I don't really like posting unfinished updates to the general public. I could see that this was a large project and I really liked what I had done so far, so I went ahead and posted the first two updates, but I'm entering a span where everything I do make will look and feel horribly unfinished . Not the level of quality I want to make the face of my creation, even if it is marginally more content than the last update.

However, I am posting occasional beta versions on the discord servers I'm on. Possmonaut's server, TsukoEX's server, and the Extreme Breast Expansion server are the main three, and I'll occasionally toss out a demo of whatever I happen to have done every once in a while. It's a lot less hassle and it's a lot less stress than doing it through itch.io.

Also, saves aren't cross-compatible between versions so I don't want to introduce the upgrade system to the public version until it's completely finished (bugfixes notwithstanding).

I have been making less progress than before, as finals week has been coming up and ough I gotta balance the upgrades. I cannot give any honest assessment of when you could expect another update. It is coming, though, rest assured.

It should be on the right side right below upgrades. As long as you've acquired milk cells, which you only get after reaching a certain size. A certain size that you've probably gotten already considering that I'm an hour late.

Yuri lives within your heart, she looks and likes exactly what you think she does. But you're right, she totally would like hitchiker's guide to the galaxy.

You have to click the "save" button in the settings somewhere that I'm pretty sure I remembered to put into the version I posted here. My games handle saves a bit weirdly because I don't quite do passages the same way Twine expects me to. I'll make it idiot-proof in the final, but until then... just gotta remember. And read. And I should probably find a way to remove the sidebar option so you can't think it's that easy

Ough I'm not a good artist. That would also be some fun new math, figuring out when the boob begins pressing against the ground and how it deforms from doing that. I'd love for it to be, of course, but I have done deceptively much with deceptively little, and I'm going to have to be a little more honest about... having skills in order to make that work.

Not really. I don't believe in content when there's no reference objects, and the universe is the last reference object out there, so it should be the ending. And the game's pretty full as-is, so squeezing content in between existing things would require redoing the entire pacing- and I don't want to do that.

There's a point in every artwork, story, game, any creative work, where the creator just has to raise their hands and be proud of what they did.

I'm working on making a spiritual sequel, though, and that one even has a graphic display of the booba

That's the plan, yeah. I just have to find or make enough monochrome svg graphics that fit the art style. 

Butt expansion, probably not. I don't hate it, but it's not really my thing, and when my creative engine is fueled entirely by passion, that means I can't produce enough motivation to do it. As for lactation, in the lore, sure, but not really as a gameplay mechanic. Liquids are... nope, and I'm not actually using any currencies other than boob size. Trying to balance the milk quantity octupleing when the boob diameter doubles while also dealing with very real bit limits was a little too hard for me in Yuri, so I won't do it in GTF. There will, however, be boba.

No, not really. I considered adding functionality, but after a certain point not only is the fabric price either negligibly small or unsustainably large, the growth is fast enough for the shirt to snap instantly. Maybe if there was more effort put into that section, but it's probably going to remain as is.

Bras certainly do something in Grope That Fox, though.

A very neat little game! The physics and animations seem to be done splendidly. A hundred little details that make it beautiful.

The only real gripe I have with it is that you can make bad choices that can't be easily reversed- that is, upgrading the orbs. The chance you get an orb of its given color is equal to the number of upgrades on that orb divided by the total number of purchased upgrades. The first upgrade for each color is necessary, but beyond that... you're increasing the chances of that orb over others. When it's the best orb you can afford, it's quite nice. When you've moved beyond it... it's dragging you down. Your endgame power is only as strong as your temperance.

I thought the prestige would let you redo your orb ratios, but nope, just the idle upgrades.

If I were to make it, I would've tried to skew the math to make it so that you can't make strictly bad decisions, just... unwise uses of resources that could've been put elsewhere. For instance, make each orb color take a percentage of the previous orb color's chance, based on your upgrade level. That way, upgrading lower tier orbs never decreases your overall money per second. In fact, it can significantly increase it, as increases to chances will be passed down the line to more valuable orbs.

RefriedBen10 below me seems to have the right idea, since they've only upgraded the final orb beyond the first level.

It's a shame when the most optimal way to play the game isn't the most fun way to play the game. I do my best to avoid that.

Seriously, though, you rocked the physics on this one.

Not too hard, with a lil luck. 10,000 power is around the right amount to get a few zeroes per second but not totally blow it out of the water. The limit is somewhere around 1e308 inches, give or take a few digits, and the universe is 4e28 inches across. That leaves you with a little under 280 digits- you don't yet have 60.

That is. Very strange. People have exceeded the bit limit, and while it of course breaks, it hasn't broken that way.

By chance, have you enabled cookies for that site? Twine does... something with cookies when played in-browser and I bet that could be one potential thing that could've gone wrong.

Unless you exceeded the bit limit for more than is a reasonable amount of time and that was the result?

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I've got upgrades that'll speed up the growth and provide passive growth, but moods... I suppose they'd have to be events? Events that appear at random intervals with random effects.

Maybe something like the golden cookie in cookie clicker where it appears for a short time and gives you a temporary bonus. Perhaps if you let it expire, you get a debuff instead.

...I'll consider it. I don't want the game to get too complex. At least, not at too fast a pace. Unlocking them via an upgrade later on seems perfectly viable.

For specific foxes, because the prestige hinges upon the upgrade system, I don't want to give random chances to have a much easier or harder times grinding out the next upgrade due to the specific fox's disposition.

Yeah, the code kind of just spills out the end when the numbers get too high. That appearance is a visual bug, by the way, which can be fixed(?) by increasing the stroke width in the settings.

I'm gonna go for reference objects as best I can, but that's gonna be a decent amount of work including a sufficient number of .svg files in a way that still moves. Plus, references somewhat go away after a certain point.

Looping events with variable results are something I haven't really considered. I think there are a few issues with that, specifically my workload and the format of the game. Any action that appears is interruptive rather than supportive; the logs work out because they're unique and interesting, and I do plan on making as much as I can. But events that repeat, rather than just being referenced with a new spin like the donuts in Yuri, would require enough variations to keep them fresh- which, for the sizes they reach, is an exponential workload.

I am, however, going to give the player abilities with a cooldown that have visual and mechanical effects both on the gameplay- one of which being the bra. Another will involve zooming in, and there may be additional tails somewhere in the mix. The upgrades for such abilities will be similar but different, and... I dunno where I'm going with this.

your idea has potential. I'll keep it in mind, but this game's core loop is inherently very simple and individual scenes go against the loop. Maybe when the rest is made there'll be room for it, but before then I'll focus my efforts for what I need to lay out in advance.

Log messages are something I'm planning to add in the box that currently has the buttons in them; short little bits of lore and fluff that make the world seem a little more alive. The upgrade system, as well, is all going to have unique descriptions. Going to a restaurant, though, is a very neat idea, and I'll be sure to include that a time or two.

I did like random renamon boob clicker x, but that's mostly because it visually displayed particularly large sizes. Nothing else does that. Except now :)

It already does go faster the longer you go on; finding a new fox to grope will reset the size but increase how powerful your groping is. It's still a prototype, so the exact mechanism does, uh... exponentiate, after a bit, and the end of the game as of right now is the bit limit.

Yeah, I'm already using that for a few things, like the squish.
y = n - (n-1)/x {1<x<inf}.
When X is 1, Y is 1, but as X increases, y gets closer and closer to n without ever reaching it. It's good when it needs to always perpetually increase the more you interact with it, but still need to have a hard maximum otherwise it'll look strange.

As for using that to handle floating points, it's not possible. At least, not the way I'm handling it. 1.7e308 is, give or take, the maximum value for a variable I use, but the problem with that is this means that I can never, in any function, ever exceed that number. I can't exceed it, detect that I've exceeded it, then divide it by some value, because the exact moment it exceeds that value, it becomes infinity and there's no reclaiming my original number anymore.

I'll probably end up just having it detect if the value is infinity, in which case it'll display the largest fox it can without letting it grow anymore.

yeah, 10 times exactly is what it takes to entirely break, though the modified bra looks a lot worse at larger sizes. You won't have as much control over those finer details in the final. The reason it breaks is because it's trying to cover 110% of the line- which goes past the ends and winds back in on itself.

The game will be focused on breast expansion only, and the friends tab will be more of method of seeing the past foxes you've grown. It's not like they just disappear when you move on to groping the next one, after all.

Yuri My Beloved could be modded by a particularly dedicated fan. This game... stands exactly no chance of that, considering how hard it is for me to make it to begin with.

Not there yet, but it's coming, don't you worry.

That is beautiful.

I'm thinking of adding some accessibility settings;  the ability to click rather than drag, different colors for those who want them, the ability to switch to a kemonomimi rather than a furry, metric units, the works.

...And a bra, and a better method of upgrading than just a prestige mechanic that gets a little too exponential in its growth.
...And a zoom feature. And the ability to adjust the line thickness for those with weird computers.

Again, this was just a prototype.
Here's a newer one, as a reward :D

"Could be-" they are. Yuri's right there in the next one over, after all.

I wanted to make it so that they'd never take up less size on the screen than they did at a smaller size, because screen size = more room to move your mouse. I probably do need to increase how much it's zoomed in at the beginning, though.

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A tail swinging animation is difficult, cuz I'd want to properly animate it rather than just mirror back and forth. It wouldn't fit with the quality otherwise. Headpats I can do, though it becomes difficult when the head is no longer within patting range. Maybe I try to see if I can manage a zoomin feature...