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A member registered Dec 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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This video is a little old but maybe this will show a bit more?

Sorry to hear that. if you email me maybe I can help you. It's not easy for me to add steam versions so maybe we can find a different method.

For now I could suggest a single frame of the run( mario jump pose) or just about any of the current pose frames that you think could work. Like the sample above is using just 3 frame run animation and using the middle frame for the jump.  Adding animations to the current generator is impossible until we develop the whole new version which will take us some time. Hopefully that helps out for now.

I am not sure what graphic you want to change?

Thank you I will look into this. But there should be shorts in the foot wear sections?

Thanks for pointing that out. I'll have the mace sheets replaced soon.

I'm not positive on the installation. But the single sheets n the extra formats folder are probably similar to what bakin already uses which are 4 directions.

We are currently doing our best to upgrade the tool to newer version with skeletal animations at the base of the program. Right now the base are sprite sheets. No skeletal animation animation data exists within the current form of the tool. It exists externally as that's how I create the sheet bases. Maybe that helps shed a little light.

Sounds right just 4 left from this list.

Thanks for asking! I updated the terms on the main page. But free to use within your game and cannot be redistributed or sold outside of said project.

yes I take commissions quite often. You can message me on discord Low#1222  or my email.  but on average the cost could range anywhere from $85-$100. 

feel free to mention what you may like to see. I cant promise I'll get to it but if there is a chance I will do my best.

Thank you very much! I have mythical foes still in the works that may contain some boss level stuff. But always listening to suggestions if you have anything in mind.

If you manage to modify them you are free to for your game with no problem at all. Thank you for asking.

At this moment no. The sprites on the right are stylized that way. Not meant to have realistic proportions. They're just low res and aimed for that super deformed cartoony style you can find in many top down RPGs.

Hi there. No sadly the steam version isn't controlled by me and the update process is bit complex going through RPG Maker first. If you have purchased classic heroes 1 or 2 feel free to email me and i can honor the purchase for the stuff here which is much more updated.

its a good idea. Cant promise anything at the moment but I think it could be great.

Weapons are going be a focus over the next updates. So we will be adding more very soon.

Sorry. There are too many different animation styles to create templates for these. It could take me a very long time to do that.

Do you mean a sheet with no outfit? this is one. Also Galv's plugins also have similar.

RPG maker is plug and play for sure. The walk sprites  are also plug and play in 4 directions. You need VIsustella plugins for 8 directional movement. Or any similar plugins

Any engine you can make it work in.

Thank you. I did not design these outfits in concept so I dont want to risk any copyrights since these are characters from RPGMaker RTP

The best way to solve the feet is to use a plugin to use the real idle motions from the generator. Because it has animations for idle, walks, runs as separate animations, normal rpg maker is using only the walk animation for the walk and idle. But the gen does have the normal idles so they can be used if you set it up. 

I don't know of any. I'm surprised he doesn't have anything to fit that. He is updating fairly often I imagine it's only a matter of time.

Thank you! Winlu's works very well in our opinion.

Thank you

Thank you very much. So to clarify all my paid packs are free to use in any engine.

Hi there the content of the pack actually can be used in any engine. There used to be a 4 directional sprite sheet that was an edit of the RPGmaker base sprites but I removed them long ago and replaced them with my original 8 Directional ones. There's no restrictions on engines now. They are simply formatted for RPG Maker.

Thank you!

Hi there thank you! I want to say within next 2 months. I'm doing my best to wrap up some stuff and i'll get back to these.

Hi there! We do have the options to scale body down and heads up in order to create children and smaller characters with unique proportions. 

As far as Hue, I assume you mean a overall color to  the whole sprite?

The toy sword idea could be something I see us adding in a future update. Thanks for the suggestion!

I don't have any templates unfortunately. Each character is extremely different so it would be difficult to provide.

Thanks so much! I don't know about all that but I do  feel super busy haha.

Thank you!

I will keep trying to yes I just have been busy lately. I will do my best to keep making more for sure.

Thank you for the awesome feedback and happy to hear you enjoy all the hard work that went into this! To answer you question about the armor separation. It is a common suggestion and we are currently looking into how easily it can be added. So I can't promise anything at this time. But hopefully we can find a solution very soon.

Thank you for that. We do put a lot of effort into it and will keep at it!

Thank you!  I will  look into that and see what I can do.