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Robin Skull Games

A member registered Feb 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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thank you for playing for the lighting i just used  the light layer and the light behaviors wasnt to hard there was a tutorial on how to do it on youtube cant think of the channel

Thank you for playing the blue potions are suppose to give you more orb attacks every time you use the attack the blue bar goes down and I tried to make it so the orb cant go through the walls but its still glitchy and I will keep the player speed in mind I plan on keep updating it after the jam ends,  thanks again for playing

pretty fun game and hard at times great job

yea there goblins seen that after last update but the jam ended before i could do another update dont know what happened, after the jam judgeing is over i will keep updating it and add more stuff thanks for playing and the feedback

really like it just wish it was zoomed in little bit more

thats ok when i tried to invert it the orb would fire at all but given it a negative number did so dont know lol at least it works 😅 

Thank you for the feedback I couldn't get it to work by inverting it but adding a minus seems to work you cant use orb attack tell the enemy is close enough now not sure if that's what you were talking about.

thank you for the feedback I will see what I can do there are things am still learning about gdevelop 

Thank you for the feedback I will work on the enemies and gameplay thank you for playing.

thank you

I like the atmospher of the game

Thank you for the feedback i will see what i can do with the controls the point was to if you want to slow down or go other direction to click a lot in the opposite way you were going and for number 2 i will had a sound or something so you know the clicks are registering thanks again.

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