Hey! First of all, super sweet game, really enjoyed playing it!
I really liked how you posted your thoughts so I will just do it the same way haha
-First of, what I noticed is that the movement feels a bit weird. When I give a diagonal movement input(like w and d for example), the character doesn't move with the grid. For me it would probably feel more natural to move within the angles of the isometric view.
- Good job on the teleporting between worlds, the effect looks really cool!
-The sound of shooting your laser and destroying boxes gets noisy. When you're in the scenario in which you need to spam the laser, with the music, with the crashing sound, it's just a bit much to handle in my opinion.
-I would suggest you to put a sound for taking damage aswell. Since you've almost convered most enemies with sounds, when taking damage and not getting feedback for it, feels off.
-I just ported, couldn't move and then died to a robot :c
-I would suggest you to not have super strong enemies(robots) in such an early stage of a game(I know its the last level, but the game is rather short, so I think this is still valid). Making it clear to the player that these should be avoided is cool, but I felt completely helpless once I entered their aggro zone.
Overall a great experience! The visuals were amazing and I enjoyed shooting down some enemies!
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Thanks for the huge feedback, very helpful to get a detailed review like that. Helps to improve yourself as a developer/designer!
To be honest about the y position teleporting. The main problem with it is, is that it's super susceptible to human error like you already noticed with wrong warping and stuff like that. So you gotta watch out there, except that, good luck with it!!
Yes! We used cinemachine to setup the camera . There is a handy command you can use: OnTargetObjectWarped() (https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.cinemachine@2.3/api/Cinemachine.Cine...), basically you just have to give the camera the vector3 where the target warped and you should be fine! Also we only used one confiner object with it and just teleported it with the player.
Glad you enjoyed our game! c:
Cool game, very creative, I don't really know why you fight rats in a rap battle, but its fun and enjoyable haha
Personally, I feel like the game is a bit easy. You can actually rush to the boss and almost face tank it by running into it because you recover so much hp during combat. Also I didnt get the bar in the bottom or what the colors or numbers meant. I noticed that my player got stronger, but I don't feel like the visual presentation or the naming indicated that enough to fully grasp what was going on.
Overall a good job tho! Was definitely entertaining!
Thanks for playing! Hope you enjoyed it! The universe shifting is explained in the first level, it tells you that you cant shift, if you would die in the other world. It still seems to be a bit non-intuitive to have it like that, we will try and figure out a way to enhance this concept. Thank you for the feedback!
Nice idea to have these different forms of a character and being able to switch to get to different sections of a level. Personally I think the green guy is kinda overpowered haha.
What would have enhanced my experience though, is if you would have made the switch between characters accessible on a hotkey, because sadly, there is a few issues with this. I got stuck too often when I am in the wrong form at the wrong place. Also sometimes I am in a screen but the camera is still looking at a different part of the level.
But overall a nice little enjoyable concept!