Thank you!
Yeah I might be looking into porting it to web, it might be a bit to heavy for web atm, but with some optimizations it should be doable!
By trailer you mean the devlog?
Hi, a while back I participated in a week long game jam. My entry is a rather simple puzzle game called Buzzle, and I'm currently trying to decide if I should continue development, and make it a finished game.
The gameplay is quite simple, but I think there's potential to add more depth by introducing different level specific mechanics.
Any and all feedback is much appriciated, and if you want to see a video about the process of making this game you can watch my devlog:
Thanks in advance!
You can quickly drop any tool by clicking the right mouse button!
Thank you for the improvement suggestion though! There's really a lot of things that need to be improved (only had 24h free for this game jam). If I decide to develop this into a real game in the future, I'll keep your suggestion in mind!