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decoy vilianess

A member registered Jun 09, 2020

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i find myself completely drawn in by this style of world building you're able to pull off. I feel like im being rattled around until i clip out of bounds into the gap between reality and fantasy, where the two meet and are - inevitably - just as real as the other. another wonderful VN, thank you!

(1 edit)

thank u for sharing your zine! i find it very cool and strange to read about someone who was having the exact same kinds of experiences with metroid at the exact same ages around the early 2010s.  the art is also super cool! and your opinions are correct; especially the part about the short hair

Thank you for making this! Games like these inspire me to make games of my own someday <3

ahhh this game made me feel so warm and giddy and happy <3 <3 thank you for sharing! will be playing chapter 2 and chapter 3 when it comes out :)

This was an incredible little game, I loved it a lot. I was especially enamored by the way it depicted the charming sincerity of early internet culture in a way that stayed wholesome and earnest. This quality is weaved beautifully throughout the story, its themes, its characters, and even the UI design itself.

It made me think a lot about internet culture today, and how as we've shifted away from these cute, intimate communities and towards more centralized, corporate spaces, there has been a simultaneous push to drench any genuine feeling in a heavy veil of irony whenever expressed online. This kinda worries me sometimes, I wonder if today's generation of kiddos on the web will be worse off for being immersed in a culture that's so cynical.

But then again, early internet culture certainly had its uglier parts, and there are sweet little havens on today's internet, too - largely exemplified by your beautiful work. It really helped me out a lot and I can't thank you enough!