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A member registered Apr 19, 2024

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Honestly one of the best games I've ever played on my channel. The design, the atmosphere, the music the story had me hooked and invested the whole time would highly recommend to anyone

This was one of the best games I've played on this website. The atmosphere the music it was too good. It started out slow but it picked up real quick and did not let up. Would highly recommend to anyone who loves psychological horror

Played this as part of my random horror series. This looks cool asf. Kinda reminds me of resident evil but as a retro style action RPG. More people def need to play this!

Played this on my channel as part of My random horror series. I didn't finish it but I will admit the twist at the end caught me completely off guard.

 played this game on my channel as part of my random horror series. I like the overall aesthetic and atmosphere of this game. Kinda reminds me a bit of omori in some places. Will look into the full game when it comes out

Played this on my channel. It was cool it did spook me in a few parts so there's that

Played this as part of my random horror series. This was a pretty cool game got a few scares outta me

im glad i could make your wishes come true. :)

I played this game as part of my random horror series. I was heavily invested into the stories and the characters. I'll try to get the other endings another time cuz I only got the one. Still tho from what I played tho. Good stuff

I played this on the channel as part of my random horror series. For your first game this was pretty cool.

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Played this on the channel was not expecting this demo to be that short but. It seems cool so far

Played a bit of this on the channel. It's a pretty interesting game . Like the overall design and music of it.

interesting game. played this on the channel.

played this on the channel. its a cool game 

played this on my channel.  this has a nice unique look that a quite enjoyed alot. i added my own music to this from a friend since this demo has none.

Played this on my channel. This was a very interesting game. I got all the endings except 1. Still a cool game overall I like the story

Played this on the channel. I didn't do all the endings but I got most of them. I had a good time playing tho.

Played a little of bit on YouTube. Didn't finish the whole thing. But it seems interesting. I like the graphics and the little references and the music. Will definitely consider playing the full game

Played this one on the channel. I didn't finish it but it seemed interesting so far.  

finished chapter 3.looking forward to chapter 4 

I only played the first chapter. I'ma play the others separately but I am having a good time with this so far

i tried lol. im glad u enjoyed  the voice acting. and you're welcome 

This game looks very interesting. I played it for my random horror series. As well as my overall thoughts.

I do like the overall design of the game. The story seems cool as well and I like the characters.  Will be looking forward to the full game

I played a little bit of this on the channel it's a cool little idea. I might make a separate video on this cuz I actually do wanna try to beat it

Played this for my channel. It's a cool game I liked it. I got a little too deep into the roleplay ngl.

Yeah I was struggling with this part for quite a bit

Played a bit of this on my channel as part of my random horror series.  This seems like a very interesting game. I have a good time playing can't wait for the full game to come out

Played this on the channel. Loved the music, the design and the overall atmosphere of the game. Story was pretty good too

Didn't get to finish playing but. I do like the design and overall atmosphere of the game is cool.  I recorded part of it for YouTube

loved chapter 2. looking forward to the next chapter. i made a video 

Played this on my channel as part of my random horror series. I am very interested in the full game I love the design of this game

played this as part of my random horror series. Didn't finish it tho but it seems cool from what I saw. Will look into the full game when it comes out

Played this on my channel. This is a cool concept kind of reminds me of Stanley parable but as a horror game.

Played this on my channel it was cool.

Didn't finish this but from what I've played this game seems interesting in a good way. Can't wait for the full thing to come out tho. Made a vid on this if you're interested

Played this game on my channel as part of my random horror series. Can't wait for the rest of the chapters I'm intrigued.

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I will say this. I do like the atmosphere and the overall design of the game. However I'm not too crazy on the ending kinda took me out of the immersion a bit but I did enjoy this game overall. I made a video for more of my thoughts on this  

This so far is an absolute amazing game. at first I wasn't too crazy about but I'm glad I stuck it out to.the end cuz this this game had me hooked quick at the end of disc 0. And disc 1 is even better. love the character designs, the overall design of the game is very interesting and unique. The soundtrack is also incredible btw really matches the atmosphere of the game. Can't wait for the other discs to come out. This game has a lot of potential to be one of the greats. Also I played this game on YouTube my reading is kinda terrible LMAO I tried my best. I do really like the game tho

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played this game on my youtube.  i enjoyed it. love the pixel artstyle thats freaking cool. i also love the little your actions have consequences  thing thats pretty cool too. cant wait for the full game cuz i had a blast with this demo.