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A member registered 82 days ago

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just a question, what the different with WASTELINE NON JAM and WASTELINE JAM?

perferct game

(1 edit)

When you realese v0.1.1, we were able to play the layer of palace, but on v0.1.2 couldn't. 

sorry for bad english.

Helllo Jupitarian.

I received your notification of the Patreon post and wanted to give my insight a little. Please know that I don't mean to be rude and would like to apologize for anything.

The reason you don't receive much feedback is because of a very simple reason, besides you said that the update seems to be positive, but you just avoided the worst scenario, and I'll explain it as quickly as possible. The main problem was that you separated the game as a public version and a Patreon version only, this is where the problem comes in that you previously launched the version v0.1.1 with a lot of content and that was a great action, as it brought a lot of public to play your game, Just like those who wanted to support you on Patreon, in v0.1.2 you decided to separate the game from the public and Patreon, you ended up not only making the future public not have interest in the game like before, but you also took away a lot of content from version 0.1. 1 for v0.1.2 publishes that there is nothing that people can give as feedback when it seems that the update only brought them losses, remember when I talked about having avoided the worst case, so the people/public not only respected the decision you made in this current update, where they would decide to stay silent in the process, making you only receive positive and nothing negative, this is bad, really bad, as this makes them stop giving feedback and having an honest comment or criticism about the game, not to mention other problems this causes. I really apologize if I ended up offending you or something I said, I speak from experience of seeing games take this type of path, it's a headache later when the problem gets out of control, it's my honest answer to resolve this, it's not do this kind of thing where you separate the public and patreon versions, more specifically the detail that you have removed a lot of content that previously existed in v0.1.1 and it is only accessible for patreon only on v0.1.2, just release all the content to the public and use the patreon version for people where those who follow you on Patreon can access the new version sooner before the public.

Thank you for reading everything and I hope everything goes well for the game, always try to love the audience that is playing your game, this audience will definitely return you with love and affection to the point that they will be willing to support you and give you various types of good and bad feedback.

(2 edits)

just one question, do you plan to release the patreon version of FATACLYSM v0.1.2? if yes, when do think or plan is good time to release?

I really love and invested on this game, both content and history, for now i thinking on review this game more detailed here, because i can not afford patreon to support you right now, so i going to support you making criticism of the game, it the only thing i can do for now haha. That why the question from the start.

PS:and i say this again, i love this game, continue with great work bro! see you next time here.

someone have save at the part where we fight with skeletons? i lost my foulder ;-;

I have some trouble to find the bread