im sure it will be here soon
Recent community posts
I cant be sure but I think it has to do with the fact that the theme that is chosen consists of 3 emojis unlike some other jams that just use words. you can read more on the jam page
Yes the game is good but not balanced I know its hard to make it not to easy and not too hard but my first time trying this game I got to was not able to die so I just stopped trying at wave 60 and just waited for me to die but it still took a while there is just no challange to this game since you need to play for soo long to beat your high score since even if you have never played a game you will get very far
Amazing Game, The only problems I have is the fact that the only download for the demo is to get it for all platforms and it makes the file size really big so if you can I think making separate downloads is a good idea. Oh also the fact that the tutorial shows how to use ability before its even unlocked is kinda annoying and also it takes a little to long for cutscenes to end the rest of the game is amazing thoe
Great game prototype just a little slow at the start but a great game
my game