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A member registered Jan 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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This feedback is a pure gem! So helpful! Actually I have to write a summary of all the valuable points you've mentioned in your gameplay. I already got some great ideas for improving the game. Many thanks! 👍

Hey Styloo!

Many thanks for providing this asset pack! I can imagine including it for my next prototypes.



Many thanks for the feedback! I wish you all the best for your game jam ranking! 🐹

Hi NeurodivergentGames,

I play tested your game 😄

Here are some points of potential improvement:

  1. When the game started for the first time, I didn't get what to do. It showed "Play" but I didn't get instantly, that I just need to click anywhere. I think it would be easier to give the user a clue, that clicking anywhere is needed to start the game, for instance.
  2. I liked the music, very easygoing. Suits well to the overall ambient of the game. I would have been happy to be able to reduce the volume instead of muting it totally. The same for the sound effects.
  3. The color palette you used is also great! So gently colors!
  4. All in all I like the game idea!

If you could also play test my recent game "Rolltastic" I would be really happy to get some feedback from your side 👍

To be honest, it reminds me to the YouTube Channel of ElectroBoom 😄

Check this one out:

Welcome to Rolltastic!

as the title says, I'm looking for testplayers. Currently I am not sure, how hard it is to reach section 100 in Rolltastic. Would be happy to get your feedback 😄👍

Movement: WASD or Arrow Keys

Activate Slow Motion: SPACE BAR

Pause Game: ESC or P


Welcome to Rolltastic!

Your goal? Just reach section 100 in the fastest time possible. You need help? No problem, in tricky sections just use the slow motion feature and take the time you need.

But be warned. Take care of the red cylinders. Maybe they will push your ball in a direction, where you didn't want to go. 😄

Movement: WASD or Arrow Keys

Activate Slow Motion: SPACE BAR

Pause Game: ESC or P


Alright! Thank for feedback. I will take a look on it, how I can improve it!

Many thanks for the feedback! Currently I am planning to improve this kind of Sandbox games I am still working on active ragdoll systems. I garantee you, it will be become so much more exciting in the future! =)

Many thanks for your feedback!

If you have any points of improvement, just let me know!

Ok, thanks for your feedback. I'll take a closer look on this issue!

Many thanks for your feedback!

(1 edit)

Hey Manatao! I just played your recent game and I can compliment both of you! Well done, please keep the good work up!

Hey Shifful,

I had the same issue in the beginning. You can already control the Character with WASD and you have to move to the rotating spiral for starting the game.

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Hi Montao,

here is my feedback:

Points I liked:

  • Interactive MainMenu and FinishScreen | This has a great potential
  • Sounds and music fit perfectly | They perfectly underlined the exciting game play
  • Dynamic level elements | Rotating bars
  • I liked the different kind of enemies.

Points of potential improvement:

  • I think you have to make clearer, when the game is loaded, that you can already control the Character with WASD. Moreover I did not really get, where to go for starting the game. With a little bit of moving around, I figured out, that I had to move to the rotating spiral in the upper right corner for starting the acutal game. A little explanation would help a lot. Usually, people are used to click buttons in a menu. If it is different, you have to tell them how lucky they are  that they can already play for starting the game^^
  • Would be great if you smash the some enemies, for example the red ones. If you jump on them they are squezzed or they explode, I think you get the point already ^^
  • In addition to the rotating bars I could also imagine spring elements. For example you touch them, and suddenly the spring is activated and pushes you away. These elements could be used as mandatory elements for finishing the level or you can also use them as obstacle elements that push you into spikes, for example.
  • When playing the WebGL version the game, it was a little bit buggy when I switched from "window" to fullscreen. It set the game to fullscreen, but I had to click again into the application for activation. Then it really startet the game in fullscreen. Before it had just a black inactive screen.

I hope I could help you. If you'd like to take a glimps on my recent game "Balls of Steel", it would make me super happy to get a feedback. Just if you like and have time for it for sure ;)

Greetz, Michael

Hey Shifful!

Thanks for your next feedback! I deeply appreciate it.

You've mentionend good points. Regarding the Ball-Feature, I think it doesn't make much sense in the current version. For the fututre I plan to make the Ragdoll stand. But currently I am struggling with making a ragdoll stand. Couldn't be so hard as long as it's not an active ragdoll, don't you think? If you know any good tutorial explaining a ragdoll stand, it could make my life  a lot easier for the next update. So far I only found complicated tutorials for active ragdoll systems. Yugh :/

I think implementing music and some sound effects will be quickly done.

Indication which type of feature is currently selected is also a good idea! Thanks!

Regarding the detonate a bomb at specific time feature. So you mean the player has a trigger? For example, you shoot the bomb, first mouseclick, then you click the mouse button for a second time and the bomb will detonate?



(1 edit)

Hi Gerhard,

Congratz to your first game!

Here is my feedback:

Points I liked:

  • The art style!
  • The sounds were very good. Did you buy them somewhere or could you get them for free somewhere?
  • The final screen and the game concept. It was really fun to play.

Potential points of improvement:

  • The game started by default in window mode. Maybe it's my personal preference, but I feelmore comfortable with a default full screen.
  • The transitions between Death and Graveyard could be faster. It feels to long if you die easily, like I did ^^
  • A pause menu
  • A quit menu | Actually there was no menu at all except the starting screen ^^
  • The game needs a steep learning curve. Maybe some inexperienced player will reject the game because it's to hard to play and the will stop playing because they are frustrated.
  • Difficulty levels. Something like Easy Cheesy | Nacho Style | Hardcore Tequila. Just kidding, but I think you get the point ^^

I hope I could help you. If you'd like to take a glimps on my recent game "Balls of Steel", it would make me super happy to get a feedback. Just if you like and have time for it for sure ;)

Greetz, Michael

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Hey Clintos,

here is my feedback.

What I liked:

  • Graphics, they were conistent within the game. I like it!
  • Fire and weapon effects

Potential points of improvement:

  • I had no sounds. Maybe the game has no sounds so far.
  • Dropping the weapon with a key which is located around the WASD-Area would be fine. For example Q or E. The same key for picking up would be very comfortable as well.
  • A little menu for quitting and pausing the game.
  • A kind of score system to that you get a kind of reward for playing
  • Balancing the enemies. With the right weapon, like that flame thrower, you can easy rush through the whole level. It is just walking and shooting all the time. But aiming is not needed at all. Just clicking.

I hope I could help you. If you'd like to take a glimps on my recent game "Balls of Steel", it would make me super happy to get a feedback. Just if you like and have time for it for sure ;)

Greetz, Michael

Hi Cerulian!

here is my feedback

What I liked:

  • Weapon design
  • Shooting sounds
  • Explosion and particle effect of the bullet

Potential points of improvement:

  • Please, create a simple menu that the user is not forced to quit with ALT+F4. A little menu with one button which says QUIT is already enough.
  • I used headphones when I started your game and my ears almost died. Seriously, please next time, think about users wearing headphones.  A warning which contains some information like "No audio settings available in this build. Take care, some sounds can be too loud for headphone users." etc...
  • Some parts of the level weren't exposured at all

I hope I could help you. If you'd like to take a glimps on my recent game "Balls of Steel", it would make me super happy to get a feedback. Just if you like and have time for it for sure ;)

Greetz, Michael

(1 edit)

Hey Mikomoares,

here is my feedback

What I liked:

  • Menu ambient background sound. Suits well to the dark color theme of the future levels.
  • Gameplay background music and Sound FX
  • Visuals and Animations are well arrange to each other.

Potential points for improvement:

  • Changing in the main menu to "Credits" restartet the background music. Are you loading a new scene? It's it hearable, that something is interrupting the background sound. I think it will make the menu expecience feel smoother if this interruption is not noticable.
  • A skip button for the story in the beginning would be great. Especially for players that are really impatient.
  • Skip button for every dialog which pops uo.
  • A kind of State Machine for enemies. Currently I have the feeling that the enemies are not "patroling". As a player, if you reach a certain distance to the enemy, they will always follow you. Even if you are far away, they still follow you.

I hope I could help you. If you'd like to take a glimps on my recent game "Balls of Steel", it would make me super happy to get a feedback. Just if you like and have time for it for sure ;)



(1 edit)

Robert... Thank you for sharing this content with us. I appreciate it very much!

I can totally agree Shifful Studio.  Would be great if you could offer me a key as well. Thank you!

Hey Rocketeers,

Today I would like to show you a mini projects. I built it to play a little bit around with the Ragdoll Physics of Unity. Ok, the result is far from being polished, but I think others could have fun with the simulator as well. So I decided to publish it on

Current features of Mr Ragdoll:

  1. Spawing Ragdoll at Player's position
  2. Shooting balls around
    1. Vary their size and speed
  3. Shooting bombs around
    1. Vary their explosion force
    2. Vary their size and speed
  4.  Let it rain Ragdolls from 1 to 100 per click!


I would be happy the get feedback from you regarding...

  • Is there a feature you'd like to be implemented
  • Do you think these kind of simulators need music?
  • Do you like the current features?

Congrats for your first game! Being the total developer (Programming, Visual Effects, Sound FX, Music, 3d-Models etc.) can easily make you lose the feeling for obvious things. I know excatly how you feel =)

Hey Argon,

I checked your game page and the gameplay clips.

Interesting concept you're using for the game. First I thought, it's quite like a horror game. But then I saw it has elements of a platformer game. So I would say it's platformer game with horror elements. From the players point of view, I would look for a game like this in the Platformer Genre.

Hi Shifful,

many thanks for your kind review!

I like your ideas. I already had this expectation that the controls feel a little bit off. When I presented this game to some of my friends they told me same. Have you tried to activate the "Gamepad controls" in the HUD of the gameplay? There you can change the way the direction vectors for the ball. In the final game I will fix this completely, maybe I'll let a kind of option entry for those who prefer the direct axis control. With indicating the direction could be interesting, I'll think about a solution.

Regarding the score, I tried to explain it within the game with the prompts you'll get in the beginning. For example, the more distance you travel, the less points you'll get. When you lose a life, you lose also points and so on...

Thank you for kind offer for sharing my game on your twitter account. I'll come back to you later. Promised! =)


Hello Rocketeers,

Before I describe to much, and you just wanna play, please find the link to gaming page as follows:

I would be happy the get feedback to the following topics:

  • Controls
  • Scoring System
  • Music and Sound FX
  • Level Design

Im happy to get some feedback from you guys!



I'm honored to present you the first game of Rocketman Gaming. Balls of Steel. The title was developed in the Unity Engine and took around 4 months.  So to say from zero knowledge how to use Unity until this version.

Basically this game consists of Platform-, Skill- and Puzzle-Elements combining everything into a final score for comparing and battleling with your friends. If you'd like to know more about the way the game was created it, just let me know. If you have any suggestions for improvement, please let me know. If you have any ideas for a cooperation project, just let me know. I'm open for new and interesting projects at any time, especially if you're interested in solving Engineering Problems with a game engine like Unity. ;-)

Now let's start with the important facts.


  1. You have an infinite amount of lifes.
  2. The more lifes you need the less will be your final score.
  3. Collect the blinky cubes to raise the score.
  4. Push the bluish objects into the black space to raise the score.
  5. The less distance you travel, the more final score you will get.
  6. Be ready for suprises.


  1. Take care of the towers!
  2. In Cube-Shape towers can not hurt you, since Cube-Shape is super massive.
  3. Game is finally over when no health points are left or if you reached the level's end.


Feel free the adjust the acceleration slider to the value you need. If you'd like to use the gamepad optimized control, just click the checkbox in the Game-HUD. Check the last screenshot for the place where you can find the checkbox and the acceleration slider.




WASD or Arrowkeys

Shape Change

Q or E

Extra Speed-Up


Pause Game

P or Escape


Until now, the game has exatly one level. If you'd like to see more or you have ideas for a level design, just let me know.

I look forward to your feedback.

Greetz, Michael

The surprise link in the credits menu make me laugh! Thanks!

Hey Gorkhs,

Many thanks for your kind comment.

I checked a video of Marble Madness. Seems like Balls of Steel is a grandchild of it. To be honest, I didn't know MM before you've mentioned it. But I think I will download a kind of Emulator for the Atari, so that I can play it. I'm quite curious how the maker solved the problem of ISO-Metric View controls for the marble.

Good luck on finishing the course :D

Many thanks for your kind comment Wolf!

The controls are definitely a point for improvement. 

Regarding the restart to last checkpoint function sounds interesting. I'll see what I can do to implement that. 

Currently it is still the standard text font from Unity's TextMeshPro Compoment. It's good idea to adjust the font, so that it fits the theme "metal" better. Currently it looks a little bit to "round" and standard.

HEy Gorkhs,

If you'd like to take a glimps on my recent game "Balls of Steel", it would make me super happy to get a feedback. Just if you like and have time for it for sure ;)



Hey Ahmad!

Sounds great!

If you'd like to take a glimps on my recent game "Balls of Steel", it would make me super happy to get a feedback. Just if you like and have time for it for sure ;)



Hey Wolf!

Sounds great! I'll take a look.

If you'd like to take a glimps on my recent game "Balls of Steel", it would make me super happy to get a feedback. Just if you like and have time for it for sure ;)

Anyway I'm curious to see the next chapter!



(1 edit)

Hey Wolf!

here's my feedback!

Points I liked:

  • Like the atmosphere. Reminds me somehow of "Monkey Island" but in medivial age.
  • Like the music and the art style.
  • General concept and ideas. Your dialogs are creativ and I like your kind of humour. =)

Potential Points of improvement:

  • When I clicked the "credits" entry in the main menu and I tried to open the link under "surprise" in the lower left corner I got a message, that Youtube refused to let me open that link and it closes the WebGL application. I'm still curious, what this surprise might be ^^
  • When the dialog box opens, and a character is telling their story it would be nice, if I can instantly display the whole text with one mouse click. Otherwise I have to wait the whole time until the dialog is completely spelled out.
  • I cannot exit the dialog so I have to finished entirely. Especially, when I accidently clicked for a second time on the same object/person.

Hi Gorkhs,

Chapeau Monieur for the achievment! You reached already a lot for two years of work.

I like the concept of the game. You can easily play it on your own pace, no urgency. At least as far as I played so far. Maybe later  in the game there will be more stressful parts. Anyway, to make a long story short. I lke it. 

I also like the artwork. Keep in this way. It gives it a nice touch.

As you've already mentioned in the instructions for the Browser version, it could lead to some issues in the game. I stated, that the game had no sounds in the gameplay environment when I was playing the browser version. Only the main menu screen had sound effects.

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Hey Ahmad!

it was fun playing your game!

Points I liked:

  • Music suits well, I like the atmosphere it creates. Quite chilly!
  • Sound effects match the pixel graphics!

Points for potential imrpovement:

  • Having a kind of highscore system would be nice
  • Graphic effects, when you've reached the next level. Like BLINCK BLINCK!!!! NEXT LEVEL! :D :D
  • It was hard for me, to kill the enemies, that were flying around like meteors. 
  • Maybe some extras collectables like SUPER BOMB for killing everything on the screen
  • More frequent colletables for health -> it was hard for me as a beginner to reach the next level
  • Kind of Skill choice for the game, like -> EASY -> NORMAL -> HARDCORE etc.



Hey Rocketeers!

I'm honored to present you the first game of Rocketman Gaming. Balls of Steel. The title was developed in the Unity Engine and took around 4 months.  So to say from zero knowledge how to use Unity until this version.

Basically this game consists of Platform-, Skill- and Puzzle-Elements combining everything into a final score for comparing and battleling with your friends. If you'd like to know more about the way the game was created it, just let me know.

Now let's start with the important facts, the game elements and game mechanics:


  1. You have an infinite amount of lifes.
  2. The more lifes you need the less will be your final score.
  3. Collect the blinky cubes to raise the score.
  4. Push the bluish objects into the black space to raise the score.
  5. The less distance you travel, the more final score you will get.
  6. Be ready for suprises.


  1. Take care of the towers!
  2. In Cube-Shape towers can not hurt you, since Cube-Shape is super massive.
  3. Game is finally over when no health points are left or if you reached the level's end.

Downloadlink on Gaming Page: -> LINK <-

Have fun!



Some impressions:

(2 edits)

This is my final score! I challenge you to beat it =)