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A member registered Jul 18, 2020

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is it possible to run this on linux? like, whats the wine setup for it. thnx

!!! thank you so much man! i didn't see this because it's been a while since i've itched my itch itch.

hey, how do i change my name? i messed it up. thanks on advance!

super cool game!

i disagree. most people use windows, so it's only natural that most indie devs make their games for windows. it just sucks when i see a good game like this that requires me to give up my privacy to play.

because bill gates is a creepy bridge troll who giggles about controlling the population and uses slave labor to make destructive software designed to fail and cost you hundreds of dollars every few years.

you gotta fix whatever's going on with the linux install, but i really do enjoy this game. you should work on it some more and maybe make an expanded version that costs money. 

norton is a huge sellout. most of the stuff that software detects as a virus is only labeled as such because they aren't shilling out dough. my dads website for his business got flagged by norton as dangerous to visit. 

honestly, i think it's perfect. it doesn't need levels or powerups. i think this might legitimately be the perfect game.

i have a lore question. i assume that the line factory is manufacturing lines, so are the things the janitor is dodging lines? or are they parts of the machinery used to manufacture lines? or am i mistaken entirely and the line factory is using lines to manufacture something else? please get back to me as soon as possible. this question is urgent.

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super cool game. i like how the mechanics sorta creep up on ya without warning. also, i love the musical score. 

i wonder if this game could run on an actual atari? i love it. it's original yet incredibly simple. we need more games like this in the world


this game is awesome! you consistently deliver on the most interesting concepts. never stop making great stuff like this.

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So you’re basically saying that the initially capitalist system was eroded away by monopolization via government corruption. This then lead to a totalitarian government controlling all enterprise as well as law. This is what people like Alex Jones are losing their minds over. It’s called Corporatocracy, and it’s basically what’s happening to America right now. You’re being spied on by basically everything with an internet connection. Twitter and Amazon are both conjoined to the government. banks own everything. typical Corporatocratic stuff. it’s essentially the opposite of free market capitalism. I see what you’re saying 100% though. It’s also called cronyism, Lemon socialism, and other things.

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"Community, private enterprise, love, art, even music has been outlawed by the state, with every aspect of life being geared toward the state and its monopoly" ... i thought these were capitalists? this sounds a whole lot like a communist move my man. like, private enterprise is the whole appeal of capitalism. in a communist system everyone works for the state... like what you just described at capitalist. i think you're either satiring too hard for a pea brain such as myself, or have things seriously twisted.

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hey, i'd love to try out your game but despise microsoft with every fiber in my being. i refuse to install any software made or encouraged by them. could you make a linux version at some point? thanks if you can. no stress if you can't. also, i love the trailer.

UPDATE: after a full year, i finally got it working flawlessly with Wine-GE. GloriousEggroll is the GOAT.

damn man, i feel like you've gotten the FAITH style down to a tee now. i'm waiting until the steam release to play part 2 but i'm so much more stoked for it now that i've seen this. i like that playing the actual game makes you feel on edge and disturbed but it doesn't leave you with any gruesome imagery after you've finished. it feels like clean horror if that makes any sense. just boiled down all the way.

i think that's by design. the style gives just enough information to let you think you're scaring yourself.

one of my favs. thanks for making this awesome game

i can't believe someone would make such a violent game. you've ruined my son, he's talking about shaking up his school now.

P.S. i love your game, keep making weird stuff. i hope there's a sequel in the works for this one.

is there a way to see this dood? I feel sorta bad for him.

needs a few more levels to fully explore the concepts presented. I really liked the game but it genuinely needed a few more levels for how many mechanics you used.