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A member registered Oct 13, 2019

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This was a tough game to beat but it was worth the spent time. Also was that really the ending or is there another one?

(2 edits)

Another great game published by Puppet Combo (Torture Star Video), mild jumpscares and rotoscoped animations at it's best. I'm surprised that this is actually Maldo's first game, it's decent and well made. Hope to see you produce more great games like this!

Here's my commentary-free gameplay including all endings:

The animations/intros were nice better than most indie games, there were a few bugs. It was a bit short, I felt like it should've been around a 20+ minute experience but you know that is just my opinion. Still fantastic game, can't wait for Episode 2! Also I enjoyed the vibrant colors.

Completed the game, It was great. Waiting for MURDER HOUSE to release either way keep on making great games, Puppet Combo!

No problem and I can't wait to see the continuation to the HHBB series!

Got the Dread X collection early and I am so grateful for that ( Thanks Dread) because there is just so much content in one single game like this one which was made in just 7 DAYS, gotta say I am quite impressed. The Indiana Jones inspiration was put to really great use in this game,  the experience was decent, the puzzles were a bit tough but that's what games are all about "a challenge", Camera flashes used as a flashlight isn't really my thing but that might just be me overall great game and hope to see you guys continue with the series from Happy's Humble Burger Barn! For anyone who enjoys Indie Horror Games and is willing to spend $7, highly suggest you to spend it on the Dread X Collection ($2 go to Doctors Without Borders).

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Played the first version of this game, where it had no ending. I was still impressed by it but after this version it was just breathtaking btw great sound design and keep up the great work! 

Holy shit, this game was actually tough to beat. Either way this was a fun experience.

Hope Volume 2 comes out soon nonetheless great game and keep up the great work!

Decided to revisit this gem, got all 3 endings.


A refreshing take on PS1 Horror.

Really unique game, though there weren't any jumpscares which I support 100% I liked the game, it was slightly unsettling with a tiny puzzle element to it overall nice game.

Cinematic and dead horses, that's all I have to say = 7.5/10

I struggled with making the burger but I managed to get through it, overall it was a nice and simple horror game.

Thanks and btw I surpassed 200 subs.

(1 edit)

I loved the game I barely got halfway through, it was just to difficult for me. ( I tried completing it over 7 times, yes I suck) but I plan on coming back to it in the future cause like I really wanna make it one of my milestone specials but 200 subs, just doesn't feel right (I might not even be able to make a 200 sub special due to the whole COVID-19 situation and just a ton of high school work.)

P.S - I did watch some gameplays on Walls Closing In and I loved the soundtrack on the final part of the game.

Ok, best of luck to you and your project!

(3 edits)

The sleep paralysis ending was a bit disappointing but the game was overall great, nice take on the night shift horror subgenre.

No problem!

No problem!

(3 edits)

There wasn't much content in the prototype (I feel like there should've been more in order to build up tension and unease) , I liked the concept but overall it just needs more polishing and more of a horror flavor pack to it, either way I enjoyed the game for what it had.

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It's pretty poor in content, the story wasn't terrible but could've been better but you know it's your first game on, so Imma just let that all slide.

P.S - I enjoyed playing the game, but I do see room for improvements and great projects in the future!

It's nice to hear the timeline in how the whole project started, brings out the background a bit more. Either way I hope to see that new demo pretty soon!

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I liked the concept of the game but it sure was a very short demo, hope to see more content development in this game!

Unique game, I enjoyed skating my way to death lmao.

(7 edits)

I have yet to play most of the games on the Demo Disc, but for now I did play In Somnio and Sauna 2000 (Which I had issues recording multiple times) In Somnio really had some interesting and haunting vibes to it.   

More Videos on the Demo Disc:

Played this from the Haunted PS1 Demo Disc, gotta say you did a great job on fitting 5 or 6 tales into one game, they may be short but they have meaning which I think made the game aesthetically pleasing. Either way great game, best of luck to you and your future projects!

Thanks, and yes I know It was removed because of the copyright issues but it sure was a nice song to be added in a indie horror game. Anyways best of luck to you guys and your future projects!

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I remember playing the first version with Bohemian Rhapsody playing at the end a few days ago, gotta say I did enjoy that version but I forgot to add that onto the video. Either way nice game and btw I got all the endings, hope to see more content from you guys in the future!


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Nice short game, I enjoyed it.

P.S - Thanks for making my video, so easy to edit ( The game is short).

(3 edits)

This game gave off weird and unsettling vibes from the moment I started it up, which made it enjoyable. Overall nice game and good luck with your project!

(Sorry for posting a comment although I made this video a day ago, It's just that, I noticed you guys were on a bit too late.)

To be honest, it wasn't as good as the first game but it was still fun and enjoyable, though I did notice that there was a bug in the game (the Killer was stuck in the room) but that wouldn't matter since this is an old project anyways. Overall great game, can't wait to play Northbury Grove: Walls Closing In for my 200 sub special.

No problem and thanks for the compliment!  

Played the game a few months back, lemme just be real with you I never completed it. I decided to give it a try again, a few days ago and I thought it would be as scary as the first time but surprisingly It wasn't , either way it was a great game, the graphics were really good, the killer was probably more inescapable in some other gameplays from a few YouTubers but for me luckily he was  pretty easy to escape. Overall nice game, hope to see more future projects from you guys!

P.S - I played your other game "Entity", that was a great game as well.

Saw you on Alpha Beta Gamer's channel a while back, so I just had to try this game, first things first I know this game was made for a game jam a year ago so this game is a old project but I genuinely did enjoy your game for what it had especially the maze-like structure of the map, it just made me a bit stressed out, that demon who came chasing after me had me on my best efforts to just finish the game (That dude just freaks me out), the atmosphere just makes me feel uneasy and kinda on my toes throughout the whole gameplay all in all I think this would be one of my most favorite indie horror games, I would like to see more of your future projects so I'm going to give you a follow.

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I will definitely check out your game when it releases! I really did thought your game was inspired by Outlast but either way no problem, I enjoyed your game (BTW I just checked your profile out and I just noticed that you were the creator of Forgotten School, never got to make a video on that, but just wanted to let you know, that it was a nice game as well).