I am stuck on the first quest, to find the stranger. This seems to be as far as I can go: to the point where there is a double of me that moves in the opposite direction of each of my steps. This bit is a dead end and I see no way to get further into the area. Could you please help me out?
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This is a super cool concept, and I like what you've done with it. Some of it is really evocative in a way I often don't see. Fusion in general is a super underdone concept and I am so glad someone is working on changing that.
I admit, I am a bit annoyed that I spent 5 dollars on what was approximately three pages of new content. If the booklet was that short, I would have liked to have been told that in advance.
Thank you for telling me about the berry.
I've had the game downloaded for more than a day now, and have played for almost 12 in game hours, and no berries have sprouted, though I have been watering them. To be extra sure, I also messed around with my computer's internal clock. Moving it forward six hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, a week, a month. The day night cycle shifted with my computer's internal clock, but berries never grew.
So I think they just won't?
It was not wearing a rocky helmet. It might have been holding onto that berry that inflicts damage to the enemy when the holder is damaged? The one that starts with a J. But that berry didn't activate while I was playing.
Yes, they used one move, and then they used it again, infinitely, until my Furret fainted. It happened on multiple different occasions during a turn I went to use confusion. But it also happened with other moves at least once.
Hello. Having so much fun with this game so far, it's amazing how much polish there is. So much ease of use too, even though it's harder than most pokemon games I've played.
I wanted to report a bug though. Aerial Ace from the second Gym Trainer's Sneazel. And Aqua Jet from Clauncher. Both times, they used that attack over and over again endlessly until my active pokemon fainted. I am not 100% sure, since I wasn't able to screenshot it at the time, but I think it happened after I tried to use confusion with my furret. Both times it happened, it was definitely when I was using Furret.
Will definitely be following this going forward!