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A member registered 90 days ago

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This is a wonderful game!! I adore the movement, the combat system and the character are so unique! The only issue I take with it is the text - it's rather small, and quite crowded. It makes it difficult to scan through, since it's so wordy. I had to go into the game page controls to figure out how to throw knives!

But the game itself? Stunning and so incredibly satisfying to play!

This game is such a gem!! I played it for hours today, and it's so much fun!! I still need to get the rest of the dream journals, and I adore the more meta unexpected events ^^ I'm excited to pick it back up again and find out more about the encounters and story!

That would be so super cool! Looking forward to it ^^

Hello! This is my first comment ever but I just HAD to let you know how much fun I had with this game! I've been sat on call with a friend playing it and this is now one of my favourites. 

Everything, from the muted graphics and the polygonal style, to the semi-unsettling but overly comforting music, the sound of the outfit unlock bugs slowly getting quieter until they're not there at all, the way the character flies and flutters their wings. It's all wonderful to me!