Sentimos que no hayáis podido formar parte. Es normal, con tanto correo como recibimos que se escapen. No fuisteis los unicos, otros 16 creadores se quedaron fuera. :(
Rolerøs No Representativøs
Creator of
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Además de aportar el juego a la Jam se tenía que validar la activación.
Si revisáis vuestras bandejas de correo veréis que tenéis varios mensajes pidiendo la validación y dando los pasos para hacerlo. Tambien lo comunicamos en la parte de comunidad del bundle.
La migración empezó el 2 de febrero y terminó ayer 25 de febrero. Lanzamos el bundle a las 00h.
Se enviaron 3 mensajes comunitarios a inicios y mediados de febrero, actualizamos la info de la jam, y difundimos la validación en bluesky, twitter y Mastodon.
Al final conseguimos que todos los creadores, excepto 16 validasen sus aportaciones.
Sentimos que no pudierais validar vuestra aportación.
Por fin, el momento ha llegado. AMOR POR VALENCIA, el bundle solidario está activo. 771 items por 5€ más la voluntad, destinados a ayudas en la reconstrucción de las zonas afectadas por la Dana. Muchas, muchisimas gracias a todos por vuestra ayuda. Ahora toca dinfundirlo.
Finally, the time has come. AMOR POR VALENCIA, the solidarity bundle is active - 771 items for 5€ plus will, destined to help in the reconstruction of the areas affected by the Dana. Thank you all very, very much for your help. Now it's time to melt it down.
El moment ha arribat AMOR PER VALENCIA, el bundle solidari está actiu! 771 items por 5€ més la voluntat, destinats a l'ajut als afectats per la dana. Més de 500 jocs de rol. Moltes, moltissimes gràcies pel vostre suport, ara necessitem que ens ajudeu a moure-ho.
Un poquito de por favor.
Se ha explicado ya varias veces que la activación la hace itchio de forma automática, pero que puede haber un retraso porque no son la gente más reactiva del mundo mirando el correo. Es una queja recurrente de la comunidad, su falta de capacidad de respuesta.
Hemos pedido activar sin las personas que faltan por aceptar su aportación para no esperar eternamente.
El creador del bundle es el último en aceptar porque se acepta en la validación final, pero la asociación que recibe el donativo está activa.
Cuando el pack se active finalmente avisaremos por todos los medios.
Hemos pedido a itchio que active el bundle el día 14 dejando fuera a quien no haya confirmado.
Han tenido 15 dias y muchísimos avisos:
Hemos enviado 2 mailings internos a todos los participantes.
Cuando faltaban 100 participantes por confirmar localizamos a todos ellos y les etiquetamos en redes sociales y les enviamos privados por twitter, mastodon, email y bluesky y a los que no respondieron les dejamos notas también en sus proyectos.
Lo que sí puede producir retraso es que desde itchio tarden en ejecutar la petición de activación, porque la comunicación no es la ideal.
You need to enter and then follow the instructions.
Go to Review bundle, and downscroll a looooooong way to Approve and join bundle.
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot :)
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot :)
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot :)
Hola! Hace tiempo presentaste este juego a un bundle solidario. Es el momento de validar tu aportación.:
Aqui tienes algunas instrucciones por si las necesitas.
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot :)
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot :)
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted a game in your itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them