Looks so good already! Love the custom modifiers you made. The ad placements are such a nice touch. Keep at it! Its lookin' like its coming together real nice.
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Just found this engine a couple weeks ago. Started making a proof of concept to learn the engine. Built an office building/bank. This engine clicked for me better than most. Thank you for this amazing engine! I've learned so much these passed couple weeks tinkering around. I made sure to try to use just about every tool. Custom models, custom modifiers, animated textures, etc.
The intro outside area. Still have to texture the vehicle models I made and do some more decorating of the building -
My swat van was the first custom model I built for the engine-
The inside of the building with an elevator-

the 2nd floor cubicle office -
breakroom with animated tv and a custom model couch with a texture that needs to be redone -
The glorious bathroom with custom model sinks. Of course with a big brother corporation they would have security cameras in the bathrooms and no doors on the stalls. -