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A member registered Feb 27, 2020

Recent community posts

Wow! This game looks very interesting. I look forward to a chance to get to know this material. Very beautiful indeed. Congratulations!

but can I access this copy somewhere specific here on, or is it open in the copy for the community? If so, I lost again.

Wow, I wasn't fast enough. I ended up not getting a copy. I will wait for the next opportunity.

Hello Writey, how are you?

Wow, the free copies ran out really quickly. I would really like to purchase a free copy of your game, as I like FATE too much and it seems to me at a glance that you propose several optimized solutions and this catches my attention. thank you for your attention.

Thank you very much for the answers. I'm taking a look at the finished adventures and there are every cool idea. I want to play Sink or Soar and The Secret of Frankenstein's Castle soon.

Hello. I found the game's proposal very interesting and I intend to put it on the table. I'm sorry for the question, and it may seem silly but, to run Mirage, I really use the d20, right? Simple test, rolls 1d20. advantage grants 2d20 and gets the best value and disadvantage is the same but with a worse result. That's it, right? Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my native language.

Opa Lucas, imagina. Temos que apoiar nossos brother e incentivar o RPG brasileiro.

Que bacana, faço o mesmo Vinis. Precisamos "Ratear" este jogo e ajudar nosso patrício rs.

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Hi Mark, how are you?

My name is Rodrigo and I was interested in Wail's proposal. I'm currently playing an adventure in this rpg about a young woman who woke up in a castle made of parts like the cogs of a large clock. I did the explorations of this world and I have already discovered interesting places. I have two questions I would like to share like you.

1) In some situations I felt the lack of an oracle to know details about the adventure, intends to add this device in an update or new version? 

2) One of the great mysteries of my game is Waycastle. Believes it makes sense to use the rules of exploration also for the castle? It made me think that an interesting adventure could turn precisely about exploring the castle's secrets.

Well, that's it for now.

Thanks for listening.

(1 edit)

Hi Zac, how are you? I found the proposal of your game super interesting, congratulations man. I just read the rules and I thought, wow, what elegant and clear rules, and I was really looking forward to playing Sacred Breath. I imagine that these system that you developed can be applied to any proposed scenario, regardless of the style such as fantasy or science fiction, no? Will we see more ideas for Sacred Breath soon?

Hello everybody. I just read the book and have already decided on the scenario that I will use Corage. I will use the world of Krull and impersonate the son of Prince Colwyn and Princess Lyssa. But I leave a doubt. To do the attribute tests, should I use D6 according to the right attribute? that is, if I have combat 2 roll 2d6 and we are the right value?

hello John Harper. thank you very much for your feedback. I will wait for the new free copies to be accessible. if not, I will proceed as directed. Thank you one more time.

Hello everyone. I would like to request one of the copies of this fantastic game. I have been following John Harper's work for a long time and I am part of the people who will not be able to pay the value of the game, as the dollar converted to the currency of my country, Brazil, is R $ 85.20. I understand if it is not possible to meet this request, but in the face of the pandemic that we are going through, that amount would be sorely missed. thanks for listening.