Romiz Xrako
Recent community posts
I draw my own conclusion. I looked all over the issues and playtest everything. When you go to new game, it will force you one of two labels (chapter 1 and chapter 1_mobile). I made an if statement of "touch" screen enable or not.
I can only think that you have a pc that's automatically enable the touch support. If you have a touch inside your device, you'll be heading to chapter 1 mobile (with the mobile version categorized as) that is out of date. If not, then it will run naturally.
That must be the mobile version because the textbox are different from the pc version. I checked through the script and no error for PC specifically. Unless you're using MAC, then it would make sense. The mobile version isn't finish with the lastest update yet. I think MAC applies to that, I'm afraid. I'm sorry for publishing that outright. I'll fixed it as soon as I can.
Well, it depends... We're currently focusing on releasing the hotfixes for Chapter 1. Once that is done, I'll do my best to release the newer build on time before releasing it publicly. Other than that, I can say there will be development posts, from previous months, that I didn't get a chance to cover coming soon.
"...the transitions between menus feel a little bit long, but apart from that..."
--- I'll try to make it faster.
"By the way, pressing esc to pause and ctrl to skip just doesn't work, forcing you to use the UI buttons."
-- That was because I thought some people have an issue with the skip button. However I will change it back for sure.