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A member registered Aug 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Oh, thanks anyways!

What's the V1.5.1 About?

Cool mos

Wait, it's illegal to make decompiles of BBFGPD, right? What about Challenges Demo?

Cool mod

Oh okay

is possible to have an AEWVS open source?

ty lol

Credits: papercookies for the haunted ghost, and me: creating game. But also you'll find the credits at the end

Cloudy Confetti made the image you're seeing in the page. So i credit him


But i need 1st a script for alert. So the update will be some late-soon.

Es facil, necesitas Unity Assets Bundle Extractor, entonces lo abres le das a  ''Open'' elijes sharedassets2 en Baldi_DATA seleccionas todos los archivos que sean Texture2D y le das a ''Plugins'' entonces le das a ''Export as .png'' y seleccionas una carpeta para poner todas las texturas, cambias las texturas, y cuando acabes, le tienes que dar a batch import le das a la carpeta y entonces le das a ''Save'' y seleccionas la carpeta del juego de Baldi's basics entonces le das a copiar el archivo de sharedassets2  y le das a pegar a Baldi_DATA, comienzas el juego y estarán todas las texturas cambiadas. Y ya está. Mira un tutorial si te resulta mas facil.

New Update 0.1!

Yes, you're the S which is the Bully.

3rd Thanks

2nd Thanks



(1 edit)

Yes i hope you enjoy it!