I got it first try.
My choices were:
No way! It's cute!
Listen to my body
What about Diana
Stay in the room or explore but you should select the person you stumble upon here as your mentor I went w Shadow
Just eat it (deosn't matter)
Give him a squeeze
I say the trap
Is this really what we should do
What do you think...
Embrace Damien
What about you
Don't say anything
What would the others teach me
I choose Shadow (again, you could choose anyone but it helps if you found them before and don't screw up the training)
Stand up
Mess with the lights
Stop doing anything
What is you took from Damien
He wants to be a human
What do you think about this
Yes, sir
Tell me
Take as much as you want
Kiss his cheek again
Stay silent
Teach me something else
If it makes you happy, then do it
Ignore it
Think of Damien
Fight this
doesn't matter
I believe in Diana
Make love to Damien
Calm Damien down
Follow her
But at least I got to help bring peace here