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A member registered Apr 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hello good!!! I already passed the Demo, I enjoyed it very much. The only thing I miss is that it is not in Spanish, and it is very necessary because I don't understand English very well T^T

I got stuck at the end of the Demo, I didn't find anyone who had done a Gameplay in that area, I don't know if I'm hallucinating or something can be done to open those doors... hum...

You are the first person I have bought a game from on, and it is very worth it.

There is no controller support, right? I have a colleague who wants to play it but if it's not with a controller he doesn't feel comfortable, I was looking at it but I think there is no support. You'll have to see how I play xD

Anyway, I'll leave the Gameplay here (sorry, it's in Spanish because it's my native language so you might not understand me, but the screams can be understood xD)

Good afternoon!!

I saw above the thumbnail of Genuine playing this title and I searched for it directly, I really want to try it!! It looks scary!!

I speak in Spanish, here I use the translator. I'm going to take it to my channels and the only thing you will be able to understand will be my screams of terror when I get scared xD but well...

When it comes out on Steam, will the Founders version still be available to buy here? I understood that yes, but I don't know. When I can I would like to buy it, just for the fact of having something exclusive and being able to support :p

The truth is that it is a very good platform to promote games and hopefully be a catapult for creators, there is a lot of talent!!

Anyway, then I stop by to leave the specific game, although my channel is this:

See you later!!

Me sigue dando problemas porque me lo detecta como virus, y en ningún otro archivo me dice que haya virus, ¿lo podrías mirar por favor? Me muero de ganas por probarlo pero no quiero poner el equipo en riesgo, Mepatrece muy extraño que solo éste tenga este problema, porque ningún otro archivo de tus juegos, que yo sepa, me han dado problemas de ningún tipo.

Os dejé la información pero no me has respondido, y agrgadecería que lo revisaras por favor, muchas gracias!! ^^ 


It keeps giving me problems because it detects it as a virus, and in no other file does it tell me that there is a virus, could you please look at it? I can't wait to try it but I don't want to put my computer at risk, I think it's very strange that only this one has this problem, because no other files from your games, that I know of, have given me any kind of problem.

I left you the information but you haven't answered me, and I would appreciate it if you could review it please, thank you very much!! ^^

Muchas gracias por este juego!! En esta ocasión no me ha dado ningún problema no me ha saltado información de virus, así que voy a ver qué tal está!! :3

Hello good evening!!

I downloaded the game because I really wanted it, I deactivated the protection but when I run it later the antivirus tells me that there is a trojan called:


And here you have a thread on the subject, please look at it, I've never had any problems with the previous games, but it makes me sick that this one has this warning... thank you very much!! take care!!

I really liked this short game.

I haven't seen the movie yet and I don't want to get spoilers, let's see when I can see it!!

Here is my reaction, thanks for this great job!!

Qué buenooooo hahahahah el detalle de .... hanna bannanna xDDDD

Qué chulooo!!! :O Gracias!!

Mi Gameplay está en Youtube y en Twitch!!

Me ha gustado mucho, y aún sabiendo cómo es el ente al que te enfrentas igual sientes el miedo y la presión. 

Me ha encantado el detalle de ver a Lovecraft, y también me recuerda a Insmouth.

Me falta el poder seleccionar el gamma para verlo un poco más oscuro, no hace falta traducción porque ya se entiende aunque siempre te gusta leerlo en tu idioma. 

Me fascina el sonido de fondo de burbujas  marinas, y la idea es fabulosa ; la mecánica es original. 

Me  gustaría que en un futuro crearan un juego partiendo de esta idea, quiero decir un juego mucho más largo, porque tiene mucho potencial.

Muy buena, equipo!!!

Ps : Teneis pensado llevarlo a Steam? Sería genial!! Si poneis donaciones también aportaría porque desde luego, se lo merece!!


I liked it a lot, and even knowing what the entity you face is like, you still feel the fear and pressure.

I have loved the detail of seeing Lovecraft, and it also reminds me of Insmouth.

I lack the ability to select the gamma to see it a little darker, no translation is necessary because it is already understood although you always like to read it in your language.

I am fascinated by the sound of sea bubbles in the background, and the idea is fabulous; the mechanics are original.

I would like them to create a game based on this idea in the future, I mean a much longer game, because it has a lot of potential.

Very good, team !!!

Ps: Do you plan to bring it to Steam? It would be great!! If you put donations I would also contribute because of course, it deserves it !!