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Roomba man

A member registered Jul 30, 2022

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I like how it's like a reverse stealth game where you have the line of sight but you still don't want anyone caught in it.

The worst part is probably how when the camera shifts it can be deadly, I would suggest a sort of "lock mode" where it's treated like your cursor is always at a specific point, not a point on the screen but in the level, so that way you can make it a bit easier to make sure you don't get unfair shifts

I don't think global converters should be allowed because it works remotely and since it can work on ANY cell from any location it is impossible to defend from, sorry if I sound a bit salty about it

My Vault, "The Socially Anxious Vault", it's filled with modules that only nuke when altered in anyway as a means of self defence,


Hint: Using a mover pushing a fixed rotator you can get the outer layer all facing the same way; that's the only hint I have

I'm sure you can find a way to run it anyways. It is a safe download


Another claimed to be "impossible" vault cracked


Easy, no nukes needed


(3 edits)

Converter opener so OP


Edit: I opened the link to check it sent correctly and it changed???

Edit 2: Since it won't work when I sent the solution here's a pic and you can recreate it to test

Not the creator or the commenter but I made a replica with gaps filled and counters instead of trashes so you won't hear that noise


Not the creator but for you I made a replica with gaps filled and counters instead of trashes so you won't hear that noise


Here ya go!


Cracked it with a altered version of a can opener


If I remember the global converter is banned for vault crackin

(1 edit)

It doesn't follow all the rules (the map size has to be 199x199, also don't mistake it for vault size, the size limit is 25x25) but I still cracked it with a fall opener
