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A member registered Oct 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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this is one of the greatest games of all time I love it so much

Fun game to play with a friend, love the art style and animations. one thing I would say is some sort of visuals to show when the bar speeds up? Maybe a slight colour change?

For the time and criteria we had, this game is amazing. The art and the programming gone into this is really neat. It's also unique to me, I haven't seen a game like this, which is rare considering its a 1 button game.  Only area of improvement, would be level progression, and making some of the end levels slightly harder? 

For the time and criteria we had, this game is amazing. The art and the programming gone into this is really neat. It's also unique to me, I haven't seen a game like this, which is rare considering its a 1 button game.  Only area of improvement, would be level progression, and making some of the end levels slightly harder? 

I can appreciate the effort that went into this, the art, narration and story. It's not really my type of game, but I'm sure the right audience will love this. One thing I would say is that the text can be quite hard to read on the certain colours.

I enjoyed playing this, great idea for a 1 button game. I liked the menus and the round system, cool art as well! When we played this game, I did find that if you just constantly shoot it's hard to win. Could be an idea to make the scoring a bit more clear? 

I like the idea, and the art is really cool just be good if it was finished

I really enjoyed this game and the art that comes with it. The movement of the cube feels very smooth, and I was yet to encounter any bugs. Maybe im just bad, but as a new player, i found it quite hard. Maybe for future development, there could be multiple levels with increasing difficulty?