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A member registered Aug 29, 2022

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ah alright, hope they work on it so I can play without doing that. Thanks anyways!

For some reason whenever I try load up the Clan gen it just shows a black screen like this: I'm not sure whats going on and hoped somebody could help, I've refreshed it, opened it up again and all that but it isn't working. It used to just be like this when I tried loading up an old Clan but now whenever I open up the actual Clan gen itself it just shows that.

Would apriciate any help, thanks!

(I'm on Chromebook if that helps)

For some reason when I click on one of my cats (Frostnut) it says they're mentoring a cat named 'Badgerpaw' but I don't have a cat named 'Badgerpaw' in my clan! I only have a kit named 'Badgerkit' who s only 0 moons old so I am very confused! Does anybody know whats goin on

I just did a moonskip on my clan and it said on of my cats had a litter of 4 kits but I went onto 'list cats' and there was 5 newborns when no other cat had had kits so I'm very confused!

Yeah I've tried that a few times, and reloading but it just doesn't work but I think we are both having the same problem. I think other people are having the same issue!

Hi I'm not sure if anybody else has had this problem but when I try to load my first clan (As I made a second one) it's just a black screen so if there is anyway you can fix this or tell me a way to get it working again I would appreciate it very much! Ty oh btw I'm playing this on a Chromebook.