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A member registered Aug 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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Nice job! I played it and in my opinion style and gameplay are interesting and exciting 

Nice arts! Id like to play it

Art style is amazing!

I finally finished my game and I can say that with the help of limitations I upgraded my own mental skill. 

There were a lot of bugs, like player stucking in the walls or like spinning player while touching something, 3 days limit helped me to set the goal. Earlear I used to give up and stop development, because I was tired and bored of idea I created.

I think you understood the table for a puzzle wrong, it's vice versa. You need to pick a triangle(press e) and then press cyan, yellow blue and green. And you will able to circle that you need to pick. 

No problems! I created this game for gamejam, and i thing I would keep on developing and improving my idea. Just follow updates of this game, and I think everyone who posted a comment with gameplay issues for this project would be statisfied

near player spawn, there is a door, and a color table, you need to press the plates vice versa as said in a table. Cyan, yellow, blue and green. In first room you have a part of the portal(triangle) and in the next room a circle, you need to collect both of them for access to the boss fight

I had some issues while reuploading it, just fixed some bugs, and it could be submitted twice

I need some one who can draw in hotline miami style. My discord: Sid323#7736