Can you feel the storm? The truth finally returns to us, like a holy PSP, shining upon the raging streets below. Legends may lie, and devils may cry, but don't forget - Dong Dong Never Dies.
A member registered Oct 28, 2017 · View creator page →
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I've already left my review on SideQuest but wanted to post a bit of it here, just in case. My biggest points were: More variety in gameplay - maybe create some locomotion puzzles involving picking the right room/door? A randomized puzzle to unlock an elevator? Or a tool that turns walls into doors/hallways for when we're backed into a corner? Nothing too complex, just something to break things up. Also, and this is a big one, I'd LOVE to have a seated mode that allows me to use the sticks to smoothly move and turn - this is the only thing keeping me from playing more. Fantastic job on this!!