Thanks! I don't have plans for a sale any time soon, but I'm pretty sure I'll get to one eventually.
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I'm looking into the cause of that one. It's been particularly difficult since I haven't been able to figure out the cause. I have it set up so that there are global boolean variables as "event states" to be switched on and off depending on what's happening and what screen you're on (IE: a "level start" state, "Win" state, "Lose" state, states for when or what menus are open). It's possible that one of those states aren't activating, which is why the level won't start. I'm combing through my scripts to see if there's any errors or inconsistencies (I've already found and corrected a few just today, like the one where a losing scene doesn't play--turns out I thought I had 12 of them done but it was actually 11 so when the RNG picked '12' nothing played) and will be sure to update the demo with bugfixes.