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A member registered Sep 12, 2020

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Hey, I got my copy in the mail today.  Looks really sharp, too.  The art misprint wasn't that big of a deal and didn't detract from the text at all.

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Great game.  I ran this for my girlfriend.  She's a huge Harry Potter fan.  She said playing the game felt very much like taking part in one of the Harry Potter stories.  We can't wait to play again.  Thanks for designing such a great game!

Thanks!  I appreciate your help.

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Thanks for answering my question so quickly.  I appreciate it.

Follow-up question...

Do you define the Clue when you bank it or do you define it later when you place it as an Episode or Character Clue?

I can see where you could do it both ways and I'm not sure what your intention is.

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Hey, Jonathan.  I just bought and read through "We Used To Be Friends" and I had a question.

Maybe I just missed it, but the playbooks and moves mention "bank 1 Clue", but I never saw where "banking a Clue" was defined or explained.

The only thing I saw that mentioned a "banked Clue" was the Gumshoe move.

How do you use a Clue that you have banked?  Is it just used as part of the Gumshoe move to ask questions?