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A member registered Apr 10, 2021

Recent community posts

I can't seem to download this update. It keeps failing. Is there something wrong with the file or is it just my device?

Hello I just got back to this game and I'm not sure where to read the patch notes. Can someone tell me how many days does the Lars and Gil route we have now?

Great! Thank you so much!

I noticed that an update was made a few days ago. Can someone tell me which route was updated? I can't seem to find any patch notes

Your return has already made my 2023 🤧

May I know who's route got updated?

May I ask who's route was updated?

I have never clicked so fast on a notification before! I'm happy you're back!! <3

May I ask when's the public release for 0.26.1? 😬

I just downloaded the game and this looks promising! I haven't played much yet though. I just want to ask if it's a linear story or is there like romance routes you can choose from?

I did what you suggested to uninstall and reinstall and it worked!! My save files were deleted though but I don't mind replaying Tiger's route since I love him! Thank you for the update! ❤️❤️

oh I'm using an android device

I've just downloaded this update but it won't install :( is it by any chance an error within the file? Is there any way to fix it?

I haven't heard of these two before. I haven't followed with the updates much. Are they an available routes already?

This update is awesome! Thank you for this and Keep up the good work <3

Will the next update be the continuation of Rune's night? I love him so much!

I love this so much! The story has so much potential and I'm already in love with Kim! May I know when's the next update pleaseee? I can't wait!

Nice! I started playing and I haven't gotten to the route selection yet. Unless I missed it 😆. I'm at the part where Dave is waiting for Gran and MC outside the police station. Thanks for replying!

Hi! I just downloaded the game but haven't played it yet. I'd like to ask if this is a linear story line or you get to like choose routes to romance? I'm not sure if it's that type of game but my eyes are just glued to the tiger so I'm just wondering 😬

I looooooove the Gil update!!! I love him in general! I can't wait for day 9!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

I need help :( I just downloaded the android version and when it finished, it won't install. A pop up just appears that says "open with" and the option is my notepad. Someone please help :c

I'd like to ask. It seems that the only way for Lars to stay at your place is by going through his route. What if you choose a different route? Where does he stay once he gets evicted from his "camp site"?

I've read both VNs and I haven't even realized how similar both husbundos are until you listed it. Now I feel dumb

As much as I adore Logan, I still miss my Tiger :( hope they get back together soon

That cliffhanger ruined and made my day at the same time

Is Lars day 8 available for the public version?

Thank you so much! Love your work! ❤️❤️

I think he means what time. Which I want to know as well xD

Is there like a detailed guide on how to do this? I can't seem to get it to work ;3;

Will there be an update this coming June 2nd?

Get in line my friend

looking forward to this! I love Devon ;3;

Is there gonna be an update today?

none of the three *cries in corner*

None of the three works on my phone T^T I am now sad

I've read a bunch of VNs and this by far has the most well thought out storyline I've read. The character's are engaging the plot is interesting, and the art is just beautiful. Im excited for the next update as I'm looking forward Ranok's return.

OMG! I'm so excited! Do we have an actual date? I'd like to mark my calendar already hah

I can't get enough of Tai! I hope we see more of him soon! I really enjoyed the game!