It's great, although a bit BASIC =D Jokes... really though for 1 screen of basic, what can you expect! I'll set a high score...
A member registered Feb 11, 2015 · View creator page →
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A tool for making all the hair textures you need.
A set of flowers, plants and pots perfect for a little gardening game
Project files for Gamemaker 1.4 and 2.0 plus Unity Project(no code) and Graphics files.
A set of 8 characters rigged and ready for mixamo or humanoid mechanim
Recent community posts
PETSCII Zombie Lemmings for Commodore PET comments · Posted in PETSCII Zombie Lemmings for Commodore PET comments
C64 Bitmap Convertor and Fixer - V07 comments · Replied to FlightDreamz in C64 Bitmap Convertor and Fixer - V07 comments
I can help, if you can join this server I can help more directly and the information will benefit the community:
It's still on hold while I find time to learn C64 assembly, I want to make it great but wont come soon. How about some inside scoop to the source files to keep you interested:
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Sprites pack 16px*16px over 150 sprites! comments · Replied to NorielSylvire in Sprites pack 16px*16px over 150 sprites! comments
Sprites pack 16px*16px over 150 sprites! comments · Replied to MendesCM in Sprites pack 16px*16px over 150 sprites! comments
Spred64 - C64 Sprite Editor V1.43 comments · Replied to oldschooljoe in Spred64 - C64 Sprite Editor V1.43 comments
C64 Bitmap Convertor and Fixer - V07 comments · Replied to Amok in C64 Bitmap Convertor and Fixer - V07 comments
Since I've been doing more and more C64 artworks, I decided to host them right here on itch for all to use. I'll be adding to this collection fairly frequently!