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RTZ Games

A member registered Dec 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hi pianotm. Thanks for checking out our game and for the feedback! 

Yes, hopefully a lesson well learnt for next time!



Hi Evil Scotsman, Thanks for checking out our game and for the feedback! 

Nope, I don't think you are missing anything XD

The difficulty balance is definitely top of our list of what we will be updating next as we are in agreement that it's much too difficult!



Hi Crystal Apps. Thanks for checking out our game and for the feedback! 

Sorry to hear it crashed for you! If you can remember anything at all about any consistencies of when it crashed we'd love to hear so we can look into it.



Hi Zoqr. Thanks for checking out our game and for the feedback! 

The difficulty balance is definitely top of our list of what we will be updating next as we are in agreement that it's much too difficult!

We'll make sure to take a look at the intro explanation to make sure it's a little clearer.



Hi Sisyphean. Thanks for checking out our game and for the feedback! 

The difficulty balance is definitely top of our list of what we will be updating next as we are in agreement that it's much too difficult. Changing up enemy behaviour will be a good place for us to start. 



(3 edits)

Explore dungeons. Please the dragon. Hoard DICE.

No one can resist 'just-one-more' set of shiny new polyhedrals, especially not this dragon. Bring them the best shinies as offering. What better treasure than tiny little gems of randomness that determine your fate: just be careful not drop them.

Thanks for trying out our game! Only one out of the three of us had ever touched game making before and it was a great experience! Constructive criticisms are always welcome. We have so many plans we didn't quite get time to implement so we can add them to the list! XD

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