thank you for your kind words and for reading!
Rudy Mora
A member registered Jul 10, 2016 · View creator page →
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A collection of sketches and thoughts about Scarlet from The Red Muscle
two girlfriends take a forced vacation to unwind from burdened minds
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It really sucks that my comic i worked hard on ended up on some free site that I can't even find, but I appreciate that you went out of your way to support me!
I've got a sequel in the works that's much longer but it might end up physical release first just to prevent something like this from happening again
thank you so much for the kinds words! i'm glad you liked it.
as for the size, i never know what a good size is for a PDF comic, I just ended up going with the size they would be if it was on a site which I've never had a problem with displaying properly before but PDFs always seem to get compressed or resized in some way that I have yet to figure out, I'll look into fixing this and making an update!