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A member registered Feb 20, 2023

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The menu for example.

your description has been saying for a long time you want to create a unique mod menu, when do throw out fasguy's stuff?

Buy the game

Dont port it. They just want to have the mod for their pirated copy of plus.

the plugin idea is actually good


You basically said what i said, just unnecessarily meaner. FU.

Ok, i created an account here just to comment.You're blowing this way out of proportion.

1. There will ALWAYS be people who say "x from y is better than yours", thats just part of how this works. If you don't believe me, just check the comments on Fasguy's original mod menu video.

2. Saying "Fasguy's mod menu provides the bare minimum" is straight up wrong. YOUR ModMenu provides the bare minimum and that bare minimum was for the most part (badly) ported FROM Fasguy's original mod menu.

3. DON'T LET YOURSELF GET DETERRED JUST BECAUSE SOME WHINEY BABIES HAVE A SEVERE CASE OF FANBOYISM. I mean, take a look the first few version of fasguy's original Mod menu, both in terms of in-game presentation and code. I would give that the definition of "dogshit". The recent versions of Fasguy's mod menu only exist because he continuously iterated and improved upon it. You have the same potential.

I really don't understand why you're getting so upset about this honestly. If you REALLY don't want to keep working on this like this, why don't you just try to work together WITH fasguy? Is there bad blood between you two?

Regardless, sorry for the wall of text, i just felt the need to express the stupidity in this weird "hostage" update.