Sorry, but this is a kinetic novel. I don't see any books where you can change the character's names...
However, you are free to use mods like URM to change them if you want, but the nicknames won't make sense.
Still on the denial stage, I see. I urge everyone to act with reason and logic instead of resorting to petty insults, fear and irrational anger. Give this a proper read and open your mind, please:
Good Caribdis, it's not unfortunate, it's an opportunity! Unleash the creativity of human+AI and thrive. Everyone who doesn't see this will get left behind soon, and is also in support of a greedy for profit environment that doesn't respect creativity and tries to gatekeep art with obsolete concepts like copyright, in the age of generative AI with limitless possibilities.
It was the same with every tech before guys, electricity, cars, the internet... until everyone adopted it. "But it has no soul!" You wouldn't notice if no one tell you it was AI, because it's getting to that 'scary' point, yes. Don't live in denial. Change is a constant. Embrace it, open your minds, don't be an ignorant luddite caveman that hates technology please (which is the only thing that took us where we are now and makes us 'not-caveman').
Somebody said 0.9? Christmas is early this year it seems...
As you may know, the main developer, my good friend HotTomato, kinda ghosted everyone and went missing (don't know why) for months and it feels bad to hang on to what we had worked on so far for 0.9. I've been with him in this project for a long time as a helper but I'm working full time on my own visual novel now. I did take some time off, made some tweaks, and cooked up something for you all though...
You can check the changelog in the main menu. There's also more info at the start and end of the 0.9 version in-game, including my thoughts of the whole thing and ramblings about the future of DMS. (Saves at the end of 0.8 might play the ending again, sorry!)
Update 13-12-2024: I fixed the animation bug, sorry about that. I updated renpy and the old code caused issues and I had to remake the way animations play. Changelog 0.9.1:
- Fixed animation playback due to an error in recent renpy versions. Video animations in 0.9 and previous scenes should play correctly now.
0.9.1 PC/LINUX download links:
0.9.1 MAC download link:
Thank you for the lovely words! I'm very glad you liked my novel so much. Don't forget to leave a review too :P
I like that you paid attention to the music especially! As for Helga, well, let's say that she's very lonely and I don't like to blue ball too much. But yeah, the naughtiest bits will take a bit longer to come than for Lyna.
Because he feels the same, he can't be truly angry at her. The guilt is just a facade, an excuse that will get overcomed over time.
The entire premise of day 6 is to show they can't be without each other. For that I made the deliberate choice to have them mostly converse through the phone, eavesdrop, have internal monologues... They don't interact much directly until the night.
About the wine, it helped because he wouldn't have had the balls yet to talk about those things with her without some alcohol during that night. And then the next day the full reality of the situation comes crashing down and he breaks again.
My opinion is that you are overthinking this and only seeing those signs of supposed gaslight while ignoring the rest of the dialogues and narration. Plus, yes I know it's just a few days but I tried to build up a backstory and some of their past a bit so you realize their relationship has been cooking their whole life (but I don't have the time to tell that in a traditional way, obviously).
You'll see Erik is just as much in love with Lyna as she is on him in 1.5. And even if I did go in that direction you say, it's still fiction so whatever. I just want to tell a hot story that is not the usual taboo AVN where the main topic is not approached in the slightest at all and the characters might as well not have any labels.
Huh? I don't know if you noticed but this is a story with a clear taboo relationship between them, that's why Erik resists so freaking hard even though it's clearly stated multiple times that he has feelings for her too. (And it'll be much clear in 1.5)
And I don't see this abuse you talk about, it's just a slow build up between two already very close individuals, one which keeps denying his true feelings so the other is forced to take the initiative.
Also I don't get why you are shocked by some mild stuff? Seriously, that night scene is kinda tame compared to the many AVNs where the male MC is just an extremely unhinged pervert who does way worse things from the very start, so I don't t get this double standard of it being okay when a male does it but not a woman.