it is not actually acurate... i was able to win, but winning is just too tooo hard and i probably won because i knew (as author of the packing list) what should be in thw bag..
Růžoví Plameňáci
A member registered Jul 18, 2019 · View creator page →
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Remake of Epic Fight - a fighting game with lesbian stereotypes!
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The first ever :7c3b608e-000e-49ef-8223-3543d1cee0c3 jam comments · Posted in The first ever :7c3b608e-000e-49ef-8223-3543d1cee0c3 jam comments
Its a very weird game with a super realistic sound of falling dead body.
Most of the scenes felt weird but its still somehow satysfiing..
Running smoothly and graphics are nice.
(only i had a small issue with exit from the game - game suddenly frozen and had to be exited via app panel cause it doesnt responded)
So its win10, notepad2.exe exist in appdata/roaming, so i really dont get the error.
The error just say that there is no notepad when i push ok there is another error saying there is no game folder.
Actually i just did it manually - drag the txt file frome game folder in the notepad.exe and it works - so the problem for me is that terminal just dont do it by itself.
Thanks for fast answers;) (i am going to play it;))