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A member registered Aug 22, 2020

Recent community posts

VSync exists bud

nah, they should add a vote kick instead, if hosts can kick and ban people in-game it would be really toxic and a lot of people will abuse it.

this was confirmed on the last announcement, don't worry about it.

(1 edit)

read the post, they said they are gonna be adding an in game currency (basically free).

edit, quests also are probably gonna be a thing.

cool ideas, but i think #5 would be kinda unfair, also you need to put your discord tag too, example; <YourName>#<4TagNumbers>

uploading moderators maybe?

who downvoted this lmao

that's some pogchamp quality editing there m8

check out the settings m8

Can't wait for toxic 10 year olds swearing at me. HYPE

well if you read the damn announcement you'll know that they said they'll do that, you didn't need to ask for it.

achievements and daily challenges could be fun, but hell no to battle passes

what do you mean, i didn't ask anything about downloading, did you reply on the wrong comment or did you just not give enough effort to read mine?

that's usually the keyboard's fault, try pressing the stuck buttons and see if that fixed it. if it didn't, maybe try reconnecting the keyboard, if you're on a laptop, then idk.

uhh it shows my best time in the level menu, is your game broken or did you just not see it?

well yeah it only took 3 days to make lmao

how did i do? i figured out some skips if you're wondering how i got some of those times. also, i think i saw the milk on the far pillars in level 6, is there a way i can get to it?