If you read the patch announcement for patch 2...
Recent community posts
I noticed he deleted and reuploaded the patch 2 because he got an error report twice lmao
Technically speaking, he had to manually fix, test, repack, and reupload everytime! So it does make sense if dealing with android for the test patch will take a toll on him lol
I agreed with that fix comment too lmao
Quality review. Absolute helpful.
I can reply with the remark in NC's behalf
- exploration changed to only takes 10 minutes and no energy is intentional, scavenging will take energy instead. *knowing energy management is pretty tedious.
Entering building resets steps is intentional as well, it's going to be annoying it doesn't. Time is important.
- he plan to change the cooking system, so it might takes time.
- color changing is supposed to be "global" because if it's individual, it's going to be tedious and might caused a lag and confusion.
Hope this helps and correct NC lol
Good, keep it up dev, don't rush it out just because people keep asking you this, it's an early access and you're doing this solo.
Drawing multiple scenes for the story is crazy, and I'm surprised that you are still able to keep up with that while doing the other things such as coding, music and UI.
So, do your best, deliver the game when you think it's ready, and surprise us with your work. ♥️
I hope the donation helps you. Maybe you can use the money to hire an artist to help you with the scenes or maybe music. Cheers man!
Patreon drops a vidlog about the new skill tree system and apartment decorations
While discord drops that the dev now working on the city exploration scenes, which is drawing and probably fixing the system because the alpha was pretty janky on that one
Let the dev cook even more, I can see that he's putting a lot of effort on the .3 update, looks like a real game change imo