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Ryan Hissi

A member registered Jan 26, 2024 · View creator page →

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Hope you enjoyed it!

Thanks for the reply ! You're right, i've seen that the flashlight can be easily abused. We should have set a longer cooldown, anyway thanks it's helpful!

Normally, you're supposed to die when you get hit, so there shouldn't be a bug about the fact that the monster can hit from a distance, but thanks for the comment, it's really helpful!

Hey, it's true that we tried as hard as we could to make the player panic when he had to search for the different screens, which means that our aim really worked xd

Thanks for the reply ! I agree the sound is quite loud

Thanks, for the comment hahah yeah it's true that the monster is really annoying xd.

Haha, thanks for your reply !

Hey, thanks Felix, it's true that it was a pretty fun challenge to pull off, we had a lot of fun producing this game and are pretty proud of the result. Thanks a lot for your answer !

Loved this game, the level design is great and it's very original, good job !

Haha, thanks for playing and for you reply !

Great game ! this is really original, love it !

Thanks for the reply ! Yeah it's true the music is quite loud x)

Thanks, your game is great too !