Uncle Sam refers to the United States of America. If you’ve ever seen the “We want you” poster military recruitment ad from the US, that character is Uncle Sam.
Ryū Risto
Recent community posts
Hey, I’ve gone through a similar process myself, so I’ll write my thoughts as I have them:
- The game window should have a higher resolution by default. The game is way too small on my 1440p screen, and the character art is way too detailed for a 1280x720 view, creating nasty aliasing.The GUI text is also barely readable at that size
- ESC should bring up a pause menu at all times.
- I get that the first battle is a tutorial, however there should be prompts that explain what everything does. Right now I have 4 bars that are unlabelled (I take HP, Mana, “Super armor” are 3 of them), and I have some skills that I have no way of knowing what they do.
- There’s no need to display the mobile UI if you are playing on PC.
- I couldn’t figure out how to assign a skill. My first instinct was to drag-and-drop, which would probably be preferable to the “assign mode”.
- It would be nice to be able to view party member’s statistics in the inventory screen if their portrait is clicked.
- Some sort of turn indicator needs to be added. I can only tell which party member I’m controlling from the skill bar.
Unfortunately I can’t give any more game design feedback as the game is unplayable for me, crashing any time I use a skill outside of the tutorial. Don’t let any of this deter you! I want to see where this game will go!
I’m on the last week or so of Darius’ route, and I must admit that the way that route is set up gives a great opportunity for an alternative sub-route where Spencer joins MC and Darius in a love triangle. Considering how much he still cares it did feel kind of sad that inviting him along isn’t an option! x3
One rather small thing that would also be great: An option to be able to choose your man’s outfit on some occasions! Some combinations look quite well on them and it would be great to be able to see them more!
How are you supposed to get past fire geckos? They hit at least 20 each, give you at least 15 fire damage per turn, and then you either discard items due to curses or take additional damage. Fire damage imo should be blockable, and then the remainder would be put as a DoT. Also would be better if you could activate the curse effect immediately, as there is not a good counter that I found.