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A member registered Jan 09, 2024

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The bugs seems to be gone now, couldn't reproduce it. Thanks for the answer. Windows 11 with GeForce GTX 1650

Amazing game, hyped for updates. I had an issue where my character's face appeared all purple when loading it and I couldn't do anything to fix it, any idea why?

Good game. Hyped for updates.
I know these are ambitious suggestions for you to add but I'll write them anyway
- More nipple action, more stuff to do with the nipples
- Ability to switch to 3rd person camera to observe some scenes
- have more than 1 girl at the same time, maybe they could do stuff together
- Lactation squirt from breasts
- More powerful squirts from the girls
- Make it easier to aim with cum on their body, and make it more visible / stay longer. Maybe a cum gun?
- Not having to maintain the click to masturbate and finger would be great.