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A member registered Aug 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much for your feedback !

I agree with what you said, we were short on time for a lot of aspect of the polishing. We were 1 dev and 1 artist and it's our first jam, so we were really short on time (couldn't work on monday).

Looking forward to the next jam.

You managed to make a good gameplay that matched the theme, it's interesting to play, and as mentioned before the difficulty curve well. Good job !

Great concept, you managed to find a nice gameplay around the theme of the jam, well done !

I find the game quite fun, and the difficulty scale well, great work. I'm not sure if you made the sound by mouth or not, probably not, they are quite special, especially the sound when you destroy a spawner, very good work !

Really good game, it's well made, the small number of assets you use are pretty and the game feel dynamic. I find it a bit hard but i really suck at rythm game. Great work !