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A member registered Nov 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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Not to mention that the program that we use to compile it - Pyinstaller - isn't very commonly used for distributed executable files in the scheme of things (pygame is more commonly used as a learning tool, than as a tool for making actual games, because it has a lot of limitations - those same limitations are the reason why there were so many complications with the web version of the game & other complications), so this file looks very unfamiliar to windows. If you are not convinced about the safety of the game, you can view the source code on github, run it from source, or you can download the releases directly from github (these are the same files that are copied over to to distribute). Those those are the same files as here on, though, and will likely get flagged as well.

This game has been triggering antiviruses for a while, as long as I've been working on it, but to get this software signed is pretty expensive, and because this is a fan game and we don't own the warriors cat IP, it's all done by volunteers and we can't accept payments. Even the server that runs the auto-updater service is just run out of one of the developer's own pockets.


Thanks, Laurel!

We no longer have a coder maintaining the web version

There is, yes, you can run the linux version on Chromebook but there's some extra steps, I advise joining the discord to ask for advice since its a bit of a process.

You need to extract the file, the run the .exe file in the folder

Thanks <3

It will likely eventually be rewritten in C# or another equivalent language in the future, which would allow us to potentially port it to mobile but there is no timeframe yet for the rewrite, much less the mobile version

Make sure you got the version from itch io and not from Tumblr or the online version

It has automatic updates, if you originally installed it before auto updates were added you have to redownload it

If the app vanishes after you try to open it, it's likely getting flagged by your antivirus

No, there is no mobile download

You might want to check out the discord for help getting it running on chrome

The lead of the online branch stepped away and the online project is a number of updates behind so might not be stable; we are looking for somebody to take it over and get it up to date with the main clangen version but i dont have an ETA on that. If you want more updates on it, join the ClanGen discord

There are cat customization mods in the discord, but none of them in the base game. 

You might want to join the discord and ask there; in old versions the cat file was saved as a txt and not a json. There is some backwards compatibility between saves but if they are too far different there are some tools the community uses to version up old save files

It updates on its own

If you have one of the more recent versions of the game, it should auto update

We don't really give exact dates on releases or features; all these people just work on it in their free time, so its harder to predict timelines than, say, an actual job

There are people working on translations for different languages, but all of them are still pretty early in development. Although we have roles for portuguese on the discord I dont see a channel for it so idk what the status on it is

Cruel season isnt even out yet on the main desktop game

Sorry, this isn't in the plans. A lot of the development team for clangen is trans and the game itself is lgbt+ friendly. If you dont like it when a cat transitions, you can change them back on their profile page

Join the discord server and ask there, there are some people that are very helpful with resolving file and technical issues like that

join the discord server; if you have a newer chromebook we might be able to walk you through setting it up via the source code to run

Sounds like you might have downloaded the original version, not the fan edit. Make sure you are downloading it from

Yeah, sure, I made a github here:
Fair warning though, I am not very experienced with github is the one who made it in Pygame! I just made some modifications to it... all the complicated, heavy lifting parts of working with Pygame were already done ;)

Thanks! I have some Linux machines I could build it on, but I figured that there probably wouldn't be big enough demand for a Linux copy to warrant finding out what happened to my extra monitors and keyboards doing so. I did use Pyinstaller for the windows version

The format it saves it as (csv) is not actually an excel spreadsheet, a lot of computers just default to opening it in excel 
You can right click on the file and open with notepad if you want to, or you can install a free excel alternative like LibreOffice calc

It is quite often flagged as a virus, you might want to check to see if there is a dropdown menu on the download message

As far as I know you can't convert from .exe to .py
I added the source code as another zip file that can be downloaded. 

If you have any questions just let me know