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A member registered Sep 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Would be nice if there was an option to turn off time delay.

I think I forgot how to use the activated ball to release the wyrm :'( What's the next step after recharging the ball??

Is it just me, why is the text gigantic

Hello, could you include that it's a "patreon demo update" in your posts? I keep replaying the entire demo mistaking the announcement for public update.

I love all the Nyx games I've tried and it's so relaxing to come back to it whenever I'm stressed.


There goes my fatherly dreams / -\ ~

I wish there was an option to be called father for priest mcs when it comes to mr/ms/mx choice.

!! Harmful Bug !!
I love this game but it has always caused me trouble booting up (on Mac), crashing at random points of the load screen. When I re-downloaded it recently, it booted up fine. But a week after quitting the application I got a pop up saying I've run out of memory space. I opened the activity monitor and nwjs was still running trying to boot up grove and failing, hogging 3GB of memory. It pisses me off that it was kept running for so long without me noticing. I'm trying to make my mac battery last this time :/

There's a bug. I chose the reason to go along with free food was "free food is free food". But when I choose "be honest" it says "you pissed me off and I thought agreeing would piss you off back".

?? I can't see? Nothing changes the text color.

Very interesting! I love the concept. I'm a sucker for allegorical cannibalism.

Error on wallet ghost choice

An error has occurred. You may be able to continue, but some parts may not work properly.

Error: dawn is not defined.

Stack Trace:

@ line 6594 > eval:1:1










Nono, I can do lust attacks fine. But the cum jar is bugged in certain battles like the angry demon enemy and Bradley's sparring. It doesn't raise HP or Lust, and does a zero damage lust attack. I have high lust attack when using the normal lust attack button.

oh thank god thanks

Uhh I accidentally trapped a sand wyrm. Is there a way to release it?

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The cum jar works fine as an HP restoring item in other battles, or outside battles. But in certain battles like the grauls, Bradley, and the angry thing, it triggers an attempt to seduce with zero lust damage and zero healing. It's a bug.

Trying to drink cum jars during battle triggers lust attack instead of restoring HP. Same with attempting melee with the whip.

Akra core doesn't sell me crystals anymore :/

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I'm so happy this exists!! I've wanted an IF with a sex worker mc since forever!

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Is there a guide...???
Oh I found one tales of the moon youtube

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I absolutely love how cocky personality mc is written. It's like watching a movie with an endearingly quippy protagonist. Also Jax?? Shoving all the ROs away because I want Him!!

Though, I found it odd how there aren't a lot of "wary for their life" options when interacting with the criminals during the kidnapping and after being followed. They do say they're not that kind of people later but even after that I would expect most people to be in a fight or flight survival mode for the entire time. The guilt thing was weird (and yeah it says it is but more than that) cuz these people are still to me in the category of "suspicious people who could kill/hurt me" not matter what they said. Idk, maybe I just take stranger danger to heart :p

The game's obviously insinuating that it's [spoilers: Jason who's asserting supernatural control over othersm *making* them into yanderes.]

the mac file says it's damaged and can't be opened

Hey I think you mixed up "half heartedly" and "haphazardly" and ended up with... "half haphardly" lol

This is my new comfort game <3 It's frustrating not being able to fight back, but it's also nice being taken care of by huge demon dog man. I hope we get to do something useful soon though.

anyone know how to find the secret garden??

In times like these, your ability come to the forefront. While it takes a heavy toll on you, your ability to inspire and lead others is your greatest asset. It's what helped you prevail against the basilisk and various other monsters when you couldn't see.

Is this a bug? Charisma and teamwork are my lowest stats.

Oh it's working fine now after a handful of initial crashes for some reason!

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The game sadly seems to crash before starting for apple silicone :( I loved this game when I played it on mac intel so I'm sad I can't play with the new laptop.

The crash seems to be random? It's working now...

This is adorable! Runs surprisingly smoothly on the browser.

I adore the creechur vibe the mc has, and how they don't understand why people stay indoors at night because they were 'born' underground wandering in the dark xD I've always craved for an IF where you can innocently be not quite human like -- ever so slightly uncanny. Like how I often felt as a neurodivergeant person.

Will there be options added to change the font? It's... headache inducing and hard to follow.

the title of the game is literally broken dreams "correctional center"

Hello~ I wanted to check before playing; Is MC race and cultural background locked to white?

Ohh thanks.

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I'm locked out of the quests because of low likes with Bernard. I tried buying fine wine but it doesn't show up as gift and Bernard isn't there at night.

The option to hunt on Friday is also not showing up.

// Ah nvm I had to ask him about it in talk every week

Hey, is there a difference between this one and the demo?