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A member registered Mar 31, 2023 · View creator page →

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does what it says on the tin



I'm not a jam hoster, so correct me if I'm wrong, but can you set the voting date or set voting to on via settings? or is it already on

The fact that it's ranked doesn't matter

Clicker Jam Spring 2023 was ranked AND had voting

(1 edit)

Red is what should show, orange is what shows

The jam is over - you probably didn't select to allow it.

Steam (unreleased as of 30/04/2023 DD/MM/YYYY):

(Game dev's critisism)

Game is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring.

No advertising, please

Thanks, for setting the default setting for games to 'Draft' so now I technically uploaded late because of you...

Yeah so I maxed everything out... as in 50/50/50/50/15 in the shop.

This is fine...

Plus the bishop can't switch colours

Time 01:13.0

63 i was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo close

Add one = Add a facility

Upgrade all = Makes the range of the facilities bigger

Ah, easy way to fix that is by pressing "P" when you start the game

OK: Works for me, windows only btw.

I forgot to press the windows button on the download thing

I'll install the game via then see if I can play

*Negative feedback is OK, gives me more ideas.

Your game gave my computer a virus apparently, so my computer won't let me play it.

I'm done with it, extremely bored waiting, if anybody has any jams that run until the 16th, tell me


Can we all agree to have no more terrible jokes please?

Contact info? New to this site, so is it like on here or in the game?

I- er- wha- hu- Wha??????????????

I see Corn Clicker, and it says submitted for you

I'm only doing this so I can learn, YOU ARE USUALLY GIVEN A PRIZE??