We never say, that Innocent Witches is a porn game
Sad Crab Company
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If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn
Theres is a false alarm of your antivirus, you can check it on https://www.virustotal.com/gui/home/upload
If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn
Try to re-download or download from official site teamsadcrab.com
Also, If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn
Android: Android/data/innocent.witches/files/saves
PC/Linux: Innocent Witches/game/saves
Mac: Innocent Witches.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/game/saves Each save has two important numbers in its name. - " 3 - 4 -LT1.save". The first number means the page in the game menu on which this save will be displayed. The second number means the position on the page. If you change anything in the save name other than these two numbers, the game will not be able to display it.
The game has a backup save folder. If you have some problems with user rights on your device, and you can't find the saves in the folders mentioned above, your saves will be here:
PC: %appdata%/RenPy/Innocent-Witches {version}
Linux: ~/.renpy/Innocent-Witches {version}
Mac: ~Library/RenPy/Innocent-Witches {version}
You can get access to android data folder via certain file managers, you can find more about it here for example https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/1875mar/solution_to_access_androiddata_subfolders_in/Hello! Thank you so much for your support.
Changelog here: https://www.teamsadcrab.com/changelog-eng/
If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn
If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn
If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn
If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn
If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn
If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn
Firstly, old version of the game, probably a bug, download the latest version of the game
Secondly, If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section https://discord.gg/XnFW2Pn
I meant that version 0.10.7 is very old, it has a lot of bugs and flaws, the latest free version of the game 0.10.10 has a lot of additions and fixes to the game.
The old and new plot are very different, but the old plot will not be continued.
Saves to the new version will most likely not be transferred because version 0.10.7 is very old. I suggest you use cheats and the function of starting the game from any act. In the game itself, select new game and select the act and chapter
How to cheat:
Android: Everything is preinstalled, so memories/achievements unlocking button is available in "extra" -> "extra" in main menu, and cheats are available during playthrough in Sonya's menu.
PC / Linux / MAC: First close the game if it’s running. Then open our site https://www.teamsadcrab.com/ and make sure you have the latest public or patreon version of the game to play with more content and less bugs. If you have public version, create a file (!not a folder!) named erecto totalus
in the game folder, the same folder where the game’s executable file is located (Innocent Witches.exe). For MAC the path is "Innocent Witches.app/Contents/Resources/autorun". (make sure that you’ve right clicked the Innocent Witches executable file, the one with the game’s icon, and navigated into the apps contents).
Any extension will do, for example txt. If you have a patron's version, you need to use a different code, which can be found here https://www.teamsadcrab.com/innocent-witches-patreon. After that a new option will appear in "extra" -> "extra" in main menu, which will allow you to unlock the memories/achievements. And the cheats tab will be available in Sonya's menu during playthrough.
relevant name of the unlocking file for each current version is always available on our site