Noted! This should be fixed in 1.0.
Sad Blaggard
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Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you liked it!
A "full rejection" ending is actually already in the plans for 1.0 as one of the few bits of content I'm still going to add, unfortunately it just didn't make it in yet. With the way story goes up to that point, it is a completely logical course of action for the player character, but for some reason the idea came to me so late that I'd already promised myself to lock the content for the playtest in order to finally get this thing in front of people.
As for the medium, right now I'm a little tired out by spending so much time on this, so my next project will probably be something different. I'm entirely open to doing more of these in the future, though, hopefully working smoother and faster after the experience of having made this one.
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I do feel similarly about the sex scene ending up kind of vanilla, considering the possibilities implied by the whole setup. I did have a whole pile of ideas but kind of dug a hole for myself with the format of taking individual actions (rather than a branching choice to pick a general "approach" for a whole pre-written scene variant, like in a lot of text-based adult games).
One consideration was a kind of purposeful predictability, like avoiding bringing in twists or attitudes or props that might have fit into a longer seamless scene with the characters "acting on their own", but might not be what the player had in mind for their specific and concrete command. I ended up thinking of it as the player character having his own fairly vanilla preferences.
To have a chance of finishing this thing, the number of actions also needed a limit, and the actions needed clear boundaries so they wouldn't pressure following actions into accounting for some kind of special physical state or big shift in character dynamics, multiplying the amount of writing needed. Not that it all flows super smoothly or logically even now if the player takes actions in an order that wasn't really accounted for, but that's why I stuck to the rather literal applications of body parts to body parts and the overall vibe of enthusiastic co-operation.
That said, I might still add a bit more variation in the 1.0 release, if I can come up with something that fits into the framework without too much disruption of what's already written. I could probably leave more of the "transitional" details to be bridged by the imagination, but that'll have to be an exercise for future projects.
Thanks for the thoughtful feedback! (and sorry for the wordy reply, it was just something on my mind already)