Dear Fish team,
I'm sorry for this fellow's comment. He used to work for my company but we had to fire him for drug abuse. And Mr.Ilrosso tell your wife I said hi.
Regards, Sadboijohn, CEO SadSnakes.Inc , ex-Immortal 2 top 15k
Hi, this is Sadboijohn from SadSnakes.Inc. As the CEO of an up-and-coming esport/gaming organization, we like the support fellow up-and-coming gaming companies. But anyways here's my review for the demo so far.
The game is very interesting so far and am looking forward to seeing this advance to even an higher level. In my opinion all this game needs is a smoother feel to the gameplay. E.g. the camera movement felt kinda wonky, if you hold the A/D keys the camera just rushes through the different views and if there's a monster on the screen you could miss it entirely and lose.How to fix this? Maybe add a camera lock per phase? Another example is the flashlight, I feel like there's barely any necessity in the game so far for it. And I'll give one last example, which is the timer from when the monster appears till the moment you're safe . It felt like i could look away for a second or two and feel safe and sometimes i looked away for 5 seconds and he would still appear. And there was a bug where there would spawn no monsters which i fixed by restarting the game.
Anyways, wish you guys the best.
Sadboijohn, CEO SadSnakes.Inc , ex-Immortal 2 top 15k