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A member registered Sep 01, 2021

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Bringer of the Kraken?

No need to be the Focus - And as i said i just wanted to know as there are Games i may then play before yours - but i will play it without Question because the artwork looks truly fantastic. Thanks for your Answer and may you keep your good Work and Customer Support!

If i may ask - are there any  BDSM related Kinks in it?
I may buy it the one way or the other because the Artwork looks superior - just don´t like to buy the cat in the sack if you understand.


Aaah - there is the Problem! Thanks for lighting me Up!

I understand your point - but in a game where you can make several crucial decisions it´s a bit hard to provide a savegame that fit´s for all. I don´t understand why you deleted it on the first place but maybe i´m in a luxurious position when it comes to storage space. If that´s the Case and you need to free storage: at least keep the savefolder! Just a Suggestion ;)

yeah... was thinking about a little TrollDev sitting on his chair laughing at me the whole Time i needed to solve this :D:D:D That was really a good One! Keep your Spirit in developing great Games! ;)

at least i´m not the only one with enough patience ^^ was sitting there thinking "REALLY MAN?!" The whole Time :D:D:D let me point at the fact that it helps also to sort the pieces a bit before you start, i´m sure: even with knowing how it looks when it´s done it´s enough a Headache! Have Fun! Nice Troll Hexa ^^

thx captain, your Warning was absolutely necessary because there is really no Hint in the Gamedescription that this could be the Case! Someone should put a Sign there! Maybe something like this:

oh wrong question - i got her but since update she is no longer in the garden, so i cant visit her anymore

where can i find Alam? ^^ yeah - good old Times ^^ Now we have to play Vanilla Ninja... Gahahahaha - i´m very interested to see the further outcome of the story my Boy!

hmmm sad to see the dungeon is not necessary anymore... boooooh! *laughs* great game anyway - but i liked to show the girls who is in charge sometimes. 

(1 edit)

Well - it´s LEWD Town Adventures... so don´t hesitate to go Lewd ;) and i hope "one more" does not mean "the last"? But it seems it is... Anyway - Never ever regret the Choices you made while you were making this game. So if you want to bring it to an End - do it your Way! It is and will ever be a Masterpiece! And Enjoy your Vacation!

i made a fully Replay on Version 14.2 - and still, after the church event on Darkpath the Problem still seems to exist! I also have the Feeling thats some of the Hints are "laggy" or not precise - but no complaining. Game is great and playable, i´m excited for part 3!

How would you spent 20 Hours? ^^

if they keep the pace, we probably have not too long to wait anymore

(1 edit)

Soooo Question - i read overall the Comments there are som issues with the Phone Messages... and it was said it´s because it´s free Version. But i paid for 0.4.3b and i still got the "Pling" and Symbol for a new Message from Juliet but can´t find it - so is this still not the fullest Version available or it´s a Bug? And if it´s still cut-down-Version... where can i get the full one?

Thanks for Answer,

Great Game so far!

ok, so i am just blind ^^ Thank you very much!

haha thanks for the hint! Nice Easteregg!

Is there for any Chance a Walkthrough how to unlock all Scenes? I started my third Playthrough and i seem to be very bad at it ^^

Can anyone tell me how to get this scene please? Thx!


hmm - i was going to become a patron, but there are actually 4 other Patrons.... i like the Idea of the Game and i´m willing to support it - but i guess it is dead for economical Reason

yeah i think there maybe some translation failure - i figured out it means "Purple mode" anyway whatever it is for - "spinningtv" doesn´t work for me. But Thanks for the quick answer i will try your Bugfix!

Hey Runey, i just "finished" the last version and now wanted to type in the cheat for Violet in the Pc - as it has to be i guess, but it says Code not Valid? If it helps there is still a "!" for Sylvia but she is fully progressed.. any Ideas? Thx...

And... wow, just wow! I love your way of thinking as i guess it out of the Game - and for the Game itself it´s just great! Really Amazing! Happy New Year!

Was definitly worth it - once again.. Amazing Job!

So more Sadistic, less Saint i guess *laugh* thx for the Help!

Great as always... can you give me a Hint how to get the "grateful Vess" Achievement? I played it through in all possible ways and cannot get it.. Do i neet to play the first part of the game again/with other choices?

do you kiss your mother with that mouth?  What´s with that people thinking they can be an asshole online? When your Parents told you you can be everything you want to be - why did you chose to be an Idiot?

yeah, you´re right, the bitch ist really annoying and complaining a lot - so do us a favour and shut up!

Der war wirklich gut *lacht* 

You can choose between Sub or Dom, so it is optional Genius...

Can you please tell me the name of the Song in the Scene with Dalia on the Beach?

I am an Idiot... i bought it already and had not remembered it - so there was nohing for me to buy when i actually tried it on purpose ^^ thx for your help

and keep on rockin!

Congratulations on the Update - i love it!

I´m not sure if it is a glitch or did i miss any requirements but it says i have to buy the Leash and the Magazine but just can´t find it in the Kamen Rainors Store? Any Idea? Thx for help!

Thank you very much!

This Game is just wonderful, my Congratulations! Beside that i have a Question, can you please tell me the requirements to unlock the Jade Scenes in Episode 11 and the "Shuttlecock" Scene in Episode 12? I just can´t figure it out cause i tried several choices and start to believe it´s a bug - but i don´t guess really cause i seem to be the only one with this Problem.. 

Thanks in Advance and very much thanks for making us so wonderful Games!