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A member registered Dec 28, 2022

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haha after the game finished i fire everyone (cause shark want too) and hook 1680 to myself. what a experience.

This game is so cute!!!!

do you need help? I could give you a hint if you show me where did you stuck.

I'm so pround of myself that i can do G + Key by myself!

so cute!

Nice game

so cute!

Great puzzle game!

First run I use flower to destroy everything and collect every spell.

Second run I pick up fire, flower, and bush. (Mainly using bush).

very cute game

I'm having fun! I love the atmosphere!

Bug found. I don't think the word should appear behind the computer.

I love the atmosphere of this game and the gameplay but I feel like the game is in the host favor all of the time.

You said how many redraw card again? 12?
9 of them is on my side...

The host have more chance to use the utility? why?
Here's what I experience:

I got a crowbar while the host have nothing.

I got a Fire extinguisher and planned to use it as fast as I can which mean the start of next turn.

Host get a crowbar then IMMEDIATELY use it after his turn... and stole my everything (He stole my crowbar first then my fire extinguisher).

Another thing is he keep getting good item (Crowbar, Gasoline, and Fire extinguisher) while I get only a spyglass and an axe. One time I got 3 spyglass in a row.

Would it be better if I intentionally fell to present evidence just to get more exp on my arguments?

Thank you!

Another thing is I am very excited about your game and want to transalte it. Will that be possible?

(3 edits)

How do I change my argument just before fighting? I seem only to be able to change my rhetoric.

And about the countdown system. Will it reset to 5 days or just increase the day count by 1? If that the case should I just reset game for better card and time management? 

And there's no way to get more money?

Is there anything I can do with the bonus exp thing? I can't seem to be able to do anything.

Sorry for the long comments.

I like the artstyle and concept of this game.

I have a feeling that if you show that they are going home, there must be something happening in the future but I still got quite a shock when MC looked directly at the screen.

Stamina got lower because of MC's brother getting hospitalized, which is such a nice way of telling the feeling of MC. The more and more phones each day contribute to that too. Oh! can't forget when the song just suddenly stops for more effect.

Giving medicine to another doctor is such a mood lol.

Is it just me or is the song getting faster when the MC crying blood? And room number being 404 is probably not a coincidence, right?

And stamina got higher because mom said to take your time too. Another person who gives MC a tissue for MC is an interesting way to utilize the mechanic that I used throughout the game.

There are some bugs I should tell you: The first girl on day 4 seems to get skipped entirely, the Game stuck when I clicked on the phone, Dialogue gets skipped when clicking space or giving an item too fast, and give mom the second item wrong cause a softlock.

A single misspelling I found is when the nurse talks to MC about the flower: You're brother --> Your brother

I see that the MC of IDOLIZE is now runaway and become a missing person. At least they're not stuck in their home with a stalker anymore. So this game is set in a timeline after IDOLIZE then.

And who is that colorized person?? In a black and White game?? New character in the universe? She must be important then. Good animation btw.

PS. This game taught me the word "Haemolacria"

Can you tell me the name of those game you mentioned? That sounds fun to play with. Thank you!

Nice work!

Nice game! I love the art style and game mechanics.

But there are some issues like how there are not many strategies in the game.  I think it's more like a puzzle game than an auto-battler game.

I also understand that this is created in 48 hours so it is impressive how polish and clean this game is. I hope you expand this idea to the future.

PS. I have fun playing it. Thank!

Is it just me but I didn't notice about her voice being high pitch until she pointed it out herself?

Maybe that just because I have a problem with my voice too.

looking neat!

Like this game. 

Spoiler below:

Never expect the MC to be a witch at all. Incense part is easy compare to the rune part.

TY! The cat is really cute!

Then let me ask some questions about this game.

who is the protagonist and why is her name censored? She seems to be a really popular idol with many obsession fans.

What about the Mushrooms that grow from the protagonist? It looks like it came from the aging drugs that she takes.

One last thing. Can you talk about the next game that you are planning to do? 


(1 edit)

Isn't that Paparazzi from slaywitme.

Oh, and I want to tell you that I really love your art style.

Good idea

so supposedly pressing "Ctrl" would revert the time right?

I used it during the cutscene of Bonnie running for the train to return to talking with the redstar guy and now my mouse icon is gone.

You have dead horizon as a roguelike game too? Please tell me where I can find it. I find the origin one in steam but I can't find any other than that?

(1 edit)

It is fun and I really like the art style of the game. I'm interested in the story too. I like how a character can talk and interact with what I'm doing(like when I put the gun up and down repeatedly and he commented on it).

So I'm hooked on the game and will definitely buy it when it comes out.